I was thinking the other day about what kind of faith footprints am I leaving behind? Not my shoe size (though that’s been the same since 9th grade), but the kind that make an eternal difference.
We spend so much time tracking steps on our fitness watches, trying to hit that 10,000 mark like our life depends on it. But what about the steps we’re taking in faith? The ones that leave an impression on someone else's heart? The kind that, long after we're gone, still whisper, “This way -- follow Jesus.”
Now, I know what you're thinking: "But I'm just one ordinary person, how big can my footprint really be?" Oh friend, God specializes in using the ordinary.
Sam Walton was a poor farm boy before he built Walmart. Oprah? Born into poverty and found her purpose on a local radio station. King David was just a shepherd -- he smelled like sheep and still took down a giant. And Jesus? A carpenter with calloused hands and a heart full of heaven.
So yes, God has a thing for humble beginnings.
You and I? We’re not here by accident. Our background, our mess-ups, even the coffee-stained journals we scribble prayers into --they all weave into a greater story. We're here to leave behind something worth following. A trail of hope. A path of peace. A footprint of faith.
And when the journey gets hard -- and it will -- there will be times when our footprints disappear altogether. Not because we gave up, but because He carried us. Just like that beloved poem: the single set of prints in the sand wasn’t a sign of weakness, but a beautiful reminder of Jesus’ strength carrying us.
So I’m determined to leave behind the biggest faith footprints I can. Not with power, popularity, or platform -- but with kindness, courage, forgiveness, love and being an encourager as much as I can!
Someone’s walking behind you.
Let them find Jesus in your steps -- and know He’ll carry them, too.