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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Just Take the First Step


Oh how sweet the memories of helping my children and grandchildren take their first steps.  It was an achievement for them, but even more so, it was an achievement for us. 

Jesus understands children and He understands us.  He Who created water certainly knew His ability for walking on water.  Nowhere do we read about Him practicing walking on water before He walked on water.   Can you imagine the joy that He had when He took His first step on the water? Talk about great faith!  But, then there’s Peter – he had his moment too!  It’s like a baby wobbling toward their parents, eyes wide with wonder.

We don't scold babies when they stumble; we cheer them on, over and over. We are the great coaxers.  Coaxer defined is someone who pleads with someone and tries to persuade them to take a step of faith.  Then, instinctively, they say, “I can do this!” 

Doubt and fear was all around Peter – the winds, the waves, the disciples who were cowering in fear, but just like that, Peter started walking on water. But he took His eyes off of Jesus and fell in those stormy waters.

Jesus didn't scold him for doubting. He reached out His hand and lifted him up, smiling as if to say, “You’ve got this, Peter!”  Peter was the only one willing to step out, to trust, to try. And even when he began to sink, Jesus patiently waited for him—like a loving parent, waiting to catch their child as they fall.

Isn’t that like our walk with God? We take a step in faith and sometimes we stumble! But Jesus is always there, ready to reach out and pull us up, ready to cheer us on as we learn and grow.

Each step may be shaky, but with each one, we become more like Him—just like Peter, who became a pillar of the church, all because he dared to take that first wobbly step out of the boat.

Maybe you’re going through a rough patch right now.  And, to consider stepping out of the boat or taking a leap of faith to do this or go there – seems ominous!  But DON’T let fear paralyze you.  The next time you feel unsure or hear the whispers of doubt, remember Peter’s courage, and more importantly, Jesus’ patience.

Let’s keep taking those steps, trusting that God is right there with us, cheering us on -- again and again!


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

I Choose YOU!

Remember the schoolyard days when team captains picked their players one by one. I wasn’t exactly athletic, and I sure didn’t bloom like the other roses on the bush. So, you guessed it -- I was usually chosen last. Oh, the sting of that self-pity! I’m so thankful I outgrew my lack of self esteem.

But Jesus isn’t like those captains. He came on a mission of love – one that chooses each one of us: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son; that whoever believes in Him, will not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

He didn’t come for the popular, the perfect, or the first picks. He came for the lost, the ones nobody else would choose. That’s you. That’s me.

Every one of us matters to Him. The world may tell us one person doesn’t make a difference, but Jesus is all about THE ONE. He crossed a stormy sea to heal a single tormented man. He went out of His way to speak to one outcast woman by a well. And He paused in a crowded street to comfort one woman suffering for years.

In Luke 15, we see it over and over. One lost sheep, one lost coin, one lost son. Jesus doesn’t just pursue the lost. He seeks the one that’s lost.

EVERYONE is valuable to Jesus. No matter how unworthy the world might label someone, Jesus sees beyond it. The religious leaders of His day were baffled that He chose to be with people considered the worst sinners. Tax collectors, outcasts, losers – all were drawn to Him. Why? Because He didn’t judge them. He loved them, cared for them, and showed them that they were worth pursuing.

Here’s a truth that still amazes me. Jesus isn’t waiting for us to clean ourselves up so He would love us. He comes after us. Jesus taught that God searches for us. Not just the worthy, but all of us. Every single one.

Maybe there’s a ONE in your sphere of influence who you know feels unloved, who feels they are no good, no value, no hope and no great expectations for their future. What if you are THE ONE God is calling to be that ONE who is Christ’s hands and heart extended?

Lord, please help us to see the ONES as you see them. May we be your voice, your hands, your feet to the ONES You see and love. Use us, dear Lord, to be someone’s ONE today!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find Out What It Means to Me!

Last Friday, Carl and I ventured to Hart Elementary School in East Austin to support and encourage the Early Act First Knight program. This isn't new for Carl, as his Rotary Club sponsors the initiative, alongside Lady Amber, whose heart is dedicated to building up young minds.

Rotarian Mary Reynolds, the coordinator of the program for the Rotary Club, was there as well, accompanied by her grandson, Beau Henry. It was heartwarming to see Beau witness this beautiful ceremony. That’s Beau in the photo with Carl and me and Lady Amber. Carl has attended many of these events, which take place monthly in five different elementary schools across Austin.

We watched as pre-kindergarten through fifth-grade students sit with their individual classes on the floor. Lady Amber began by stressing the importance of respect -- for each other, their families, and their communities.

Then, each homeroom teacher gave a brief synopsis of just why that child was selected for exemplifying respect. I'll admit it was emotional for the parents, teachers and me!

When their names were called, the children receiving the "respect" honor, walked to the stage, accompanied by the cheers of their schoolmates who didn't receive an award.

Best of all, was the surprised look on the children's faces when they were surprised to see their parents come from behind the curtains to reward them with love through balloons, flowers, and signs. The joy on their faces was unforgettable.

Respect is one of the ten character traits highlighted in the Rotary program. The others include honesty, tolerance, perseverance, compassion, confidence, responsibility, service, discipline, and friendliness. Carl was wearing his rotarians' shirt.

It was touching to see the profound impact this program can have on young minds—helping to shape them into "respectable" young people. What a difference it makes for children to not only learn their ABCs, math, history and other subjects, but also to receive the "goods" that will keep making them good!

I am so grateful for the devoted teachers, leaders, and programs like this, which will surely make a lasting difference in shaping future generations.

Is this what we need to raise up a generation of kind, generous and respectable young people who will help us turn our nation into one of character and respect? What if we had programs like this for the adults in our world?

Monday, October 14, 2024

One Week from Today

Monday, October 21st, 2024!! One week from today begins early voting. Carl and I are stoked to be serving as election clerks again. It's a big deal to serve our country in a major right and privilege.

AND it's a big deal because it serves as a sweet spot for us. It's where we met two years ago. As we prepare, there’s one thing I know for sure—it’s time for us all to muster up, use our voices, and finish 2024 strong.

I'm not giving political commentary or insider analysis here. But, I am encouraging us to vote for the platform that aligns closest to God's Word. People are flawed. They have been flawed since the beginning of time. God used flawed people -- kings, disciples, and leaders throughout His Word. God's Word provides spiritual encouragement, something we’re all in desperate need of these days.

Let’s be real. This year has been exhausting. The headlines, the tension, the divisions—it feels like every day there’s something new to weigh on our hearts. And with November 5th looming, it’s hard not to get caught up in the noise of it all. The ‘He said, She said’ debates, the endless chatter—sometimes it’s too much. You might even be asking, “Where’s the hope?”

Here’s the good news: hope is just four words away—"Lift up your eyes."

When everything around us feels uncertain, we lift our eyes to the One who is unshakable. When confusion and chaos try to steal our peace, we look to the Lord, the Rock who never changes. The One who reigns over all creation is still on His throne. He’s not moved by political sound bites or the latest crisis. He is perfect light, without a shadow of darkness.

Psalm 121:1-2 reminds us, “I lift up my eyes to the hills—where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

In the midst of the craziness of this world, let's lift our eyes and worship the One who loves us. May our hearts be lifted, our strength renewed. And instead of seeking an escape, let's find our calling in serving and loving others right where we are.

So, let's take a deep breath and look up. There’s hope waiting for you AND me, and while breathing deeply, go VOTE! Every vote counts! Yours matters! God bless America!

Sunday, October 13, 2024

God Sees You – Right Where You Are

Let me ask you this: "When was the last time you glanced in the mirror and thought, "Well, there’s a masterpiece!" If you're anything like me, you’re probably more familiar with thinking, “Who is that tired person, and why do they have my face?”

But here’s the real deal, my friends: whether you love the reflection in that mirror or avoid it like it’s a bad selfie, God sees you. I mean really sees you, right where you are. Not the version of you that you wish existed — the one with all the wins, perfect hair, and no regrets — but the real you. And, best of all -- He’s crazy about you.

I know we’ve all been there -- maybe felt like we're not good enough, smart enough, or like we've messed up so many times that God’s love just can’t stretch that far. Newsflash!! God’s love stretches farther than any mess we can make. It’s not based on performance, and it certainly isn’t waiting for us to figure everything out.

Here’s the truth, plain and simple: You are His child, His masterpiece. "For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works....." (Ephesians 2:10). Yes, you, in all your imperfect, sometimes-wonderful, sometimes-struggling glory are His masterpiece.

And in case you need a reminder, God isn’t sitting up there with a scorecard. He’s lavishing love on you, just as you are. "See what great love the Father has lavished on us....." (1 John 3:1).

He loves you when you’re on top of the world, and He loves you when you’re binge-watching TV and wondering how life got so complicated.

So, what if you started seeing yourself the way God does? What if, instead of focusing on the parts of yourself you wish you could change, you focused on the fact that you are deeply and endlessly loved by the Creator of the universe? Spoiler alert: God doesn’t make mistakes, and He didn’t start with you.

You are seen. You are loved. And trust me, God isn’t finished writing your story yet. So next time you pass by that mirror, give yourself a wink and remember: you’re a child of God, a masterpiece in progress, and that, my friend, is something truly amazing.

We are God’s best work of artistry. We're not going to be God’s best work of artistry. We already are. We're already His masterpiece in Christ Jesus. Let's let this truth anchor us from here to eternity!

Saturday, October 12, 2024

It's Sheer De-Light!


When I challenge myself to name things that delight me, it’s easy to come up with a list: my children and grandchildren who give me sweet hugs every time I see them. A sweet handwritten note on a little card from my husband. The overwhelming joy of a newborn baby. The loveliness of the fall season that is upon us. Oh, the delight of pumpkin-flavored coffee, and the golden and orange color schemes!

There’s a difference, I think, between something that makes me happy and something that delights me. “Delight” is stronger; I reserve it for something that lightens my spirit. Delight feels like a sudden shot of optimism and joy. It’s when something makes my soul say, “Hooray!”

That’s why it made me pause when I read this Psalm: “The Lord takes delight in His people” (Psalm 149:4). That means the Lord takes delight in me. In you. In every single one of us.

I’ll admit that a part of me struggles to believe this. Maybe there’s some bad theology from my past that gets in the way -- holdover images of God as the enforcer, the policeman, the carrier of the big stick. Don’t I need to earn God’s love? Don’t I first need to fix all the things about me that need fixing?

But here’s the truth: I don’t. God takes delight in me, right now, just as I am. AND, He takes delight in you, too -- just as you are.

What a freeing truth! We don’t need to wait until we’re 'good enough’ or ‘fixed’ enough. Our Heavenly Father finds joy in us, not because of our perfection, but because of His perfect love for us.

So, the next time we feel weighed down by those old thoughts of inadequacy, let’s remember this: God’s love and delight in us is unwavering, and there’s nothing we need to do to earn it. Let that bring us the kind of delight that makes our souls shout, “Hooray AND Yippee!”

Friday, October 11, 2024

We are Not a DIY Project

Life is full of moments when we roll up our sleeves and tackle things on our own -- kind of like a do-it-yourself project. I’ve had plenty of those projects that required the right number of nails, bolts, right sized boards, paint, etc. etc. Sometimes the project ended with giving me a sense of accomplishment. Other projects – maybe not so much!

But when it comes to our life in Christ, we realize this is not a do-it-yourself affair. We’re not left to navigate challenges, solve problems, or meet life’s twists and turns all by ourselves. The beauty of walking with God is that we never have to rely on our strength alone. He is our constant source of power, peace, and provision.

Think of it this way: God is the ultimate partner, always by our side, providing everything we need just when we need it. As we deepen our relationship with Him -- spending time in prayer, soaking up His Word -- something wonderful happens.

We begin to lean on His strength, not ours. Slowly but surely, we realize that He is our unfailing Provider, always ready to supply exactly what we lack.

Peace when the world is shaking? He’s got it. Wisdom when we’re stuck? It's His specialty. Strength for the days when we feel like we can’t take another step? It’s all there, ready and waiting for us in Christ Jesus.

So, the next time life feels overwhelming, let’s remember that we don’t have to go it alone. God is with us every step of the way. And because of that, we’ve got access to everything we need to be victorious -- joy, confidence, strength, and more. All we must do is reach out and tap into His endless supply.

We are equipped. We are empowered. And best of all? We are NEVER in this alone. Let’s just quote it again and again “In God We Trust”! That’s a promise that we can take to the bank!

Thursday, October 10, 2024

How Do We Carry Our Crosses?

When we think about carrying our crosses, it can feel daunting. It’s easy to slip into a complaining mindset, especially when life throws unexpected curveballs.

Trust me, I’ve been there. But here’s the thing -- complaining doesn’t lighten the load; it only keeps us focused on the weight of the cross. So, is the way we carry our cross complaining or compelling?

I had my own cross-bearing experience recently while celebrating our one-year anniversary. There we were, soaking in the beauty of God’s creation, when out of nowhere, I broke out in a full-body rash. Yep, Covid-19 made its grand entrance into our vacation.

Quarantine and I became very familiar. Let me have just one more moment to whine. I missed the bridal shower for my soon-to-be bonus granddaughter. I missed church. I missed the joy of hugging those I love.

But, here’s the kicker -- I realized something through it all. Crosses will come our way, and when they do, we’re faced with a choice: complain or compel?

We all have crosses to bear -- some mini-size, some maga-size. Jesus carried the ultimate cross. He had every opportunity to call down an army of angels to save Him. But He didn’t. If He had, the gates of heaven would’ve remained closed, and we’d be left without hope. Instead, Jesus CHOSE the cross, and through it, we found salvation.

Suffering is universal, whether it’s physical pain, loss, heartache, or rejection. But complaining gets us nowhere. So, what if instead, we became compellers? What if we showed the world that there’s beauty in carrying our crosses, that through our trials, we’re drawn closer to Christ?

2 Corinthians 1:3-5 reminds us that our suffering equips us to comfort others. Just as Simon of Cyrene helped carry Jesus’ cross, we too can help others bear their burdens. And in doing so, we transform our pain into a testimony of God’s goodness -- a soft place for others to land in their struggles.

The truth is, God doesn’t waste a single one of our tears. Every hardship, every challenge has a purpose. And as we carry our crosses faithfully, we not only experience the blessings ourselves but also bring hope to those around us.

So, how are we carrying our crosses today? Are we complainers, dragging our feet? Or are we compellers, lifting others up along the way? If we endure and don’t give up, there are blessings waiting in due season.

Heavenly Father, please give us the grace to bear our crosses for Your glory, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Healing After the Storm


As I sit here, cozy, warm, and safe, my heart aches for those along the East Coast, who experienced the devastation left by Hurricane Helene.

Hurricane Helene left its mark, and now, with Hurricane Milton heading toward Florida, hearts are heavy with anticipation. But in the aftermath of nature’s fiercest moments, something powerful begins to happen -- restoration.

For every family that has faced loss, every home that’s been damaged or lost altogether, and every person whose life has been uprooted, we grieve with you. But we also hold fast to a hope that goes beyond the physical -- hope in the One who calms the winds and speaks peace over the stormy waters.

In times like these, we are reminded of God’s promises. Psalm 46:1 tells us, "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble." Even in the chaos, He is near, offering shelter, strength, and the promise of restoration.

To all those lending a hand -- whether it’s rescuing families, offering shelter, distributing food and clothing, or simply standing by in prayer -- your work matters.

You are the hands and feet of Jesus in this moment, reflecting His love and grace to those who need it most. Galatians 6:2 says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” And that’s exactly what we’re seeing as communities come together to bear each other’s burdens in the wake of this disaster.

Though we don’t know what tomorrow holds, we do know that restoration is coming. Just as storms pass and the skies clear, healing and hope will rise again. Let us continue to stand together, to pray, and to trust that the God who reigns over the storm will bring beauty out of this devastation.

For those in Florida, know that you are being lifted up. We are with you in spirit, praying that God would guard you, protect you, and restore all that’s been shaken. And to those still recovering from Hurricane Helene, may the God of all comfort surround you and bring healing to your hearts and homes.

Our prayers today are with all those in harm’s way, whether in the aftermath of a storm, a war zone, or just battling the personal storms of life. Times like these amplify our awareness of the hurting and remind us to lift them up in prayer for peace, comfort, and resilience.

Storms are inevitable in life. They may come as natural disasters, conflicts, or the heartache of broken relationships, disappointment, illness, and loss. But through every storm, there is one constant: the SON, who shines even in the darkest of times. Because of Him, we can be hope-filled conquerors.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Great Resolve


Winston Churchill is one of the most famous figures who spoke passionately about resolve and not quitting. In his famous speech to students at Harrow School in 1941 during World War II, he delivered these powerful words:

"Never give in -- never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy."

Churchill’s leadership during the war was defined by his unwavering resolve and refusal to give up, no matter the challenges or odds. His speeches continue to inspire perseverance and determination to this day.

Do you have great resolve? If you do, then you know what it means to dig in your heels, grit your teeth, and refuse to turn back until the assignment is done. That’s the heart God looks for -- those who won’t give up when the going gets tough. It’s one thing to have a goal; it’s another to see it through to the end, no matter what.

For some, resolve is like that friend who never leaves your side, even when the road is rough, and your strength is fading. But if you're quick to quit, it's like you’re carrying around a paper umbrella in a rainstorm -- looks like it’ll hold, but it’s not made for the challenge.

God delights in those with unwavering determination, who stick with the vision He placed in their hearts. Those who push forward with stamina, spunk, and a no-nonsense attitude, refusing to give up when the temptation to stop whispers louder than the call to keep going.

These are the people who inspire us—those who’ve learned that God’s faithfulness never falters, and neither should we.

So, let’s resolve today to keep moving FORWARD; to never turn back. Don’t stop when it gets hard or when the finish line feels miles away. Stay the course, knowing that God Himself is cheering us on, and His promises will see us through to the end. Tough times may come, but tough people -- those with divine resolve -- don’t quit.

We’ve got this! We resolve to finish strong!

Monday, October 7, 2024

A Blooming Vine in God’s Perfect Plan

This blog comes with JOY! "Made with Joy" is the topic of our weekly Bible Study and, of course, we are JOY-filled that one of our "sisters" in our study, sweet mama Emily's baby girl, Vignette, recently made her debut.  

There’s nothing quite like the anticipation of a new life. The joy, the nervousness, the hopes that everything will go as planned. For Emily, the journey to welcoming her baby girl, Vignette Verlynn Ross, took a few unexpected turns -- quite literally.

Little Vignette decided to stay breech despite every effort to turn her. Many prayers were sent up for a smooth delivery, and while a cesarean wasn’t the original plan, it became the path that brought this precious life into the world.

Isn’t it interesting how, in life, we plan and prepare for things to go a certain way, but God often redirects us? Isaiah 55:8 reminds us, “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, declares the Lord.”

Just like Vignette’s position couldn’t be changed by human hands, sometimes our own plans don’t align with God’s perfect design. But when we trust Him, even in the unexpected, the outcome is more beautiful than we could ever imagine.

Emily’s gratitude shines through as she reflects on the uncomplicated delivery and the joy her little “blooming vine” has brought into their family. The name “Vignette” (vin-YET) carries such rich meaning -- a small story within a larger one.

And isn’t that what each of our lives is? We’re all part of God’s grand, unfolding story. Vignette’s story, though just beginning, already teaches us that God is in every detail, every twist, and every turn.

As Emily shared, Vignette is not only their smallest baby but also came with the most hair, and her siblings, Maclin and Adelaide, are already smitten. This little vine, with a name that beautifully combines the heritage of her grandparents, is already blooming and bringing joy to those around her.

So, whether life follows our script or takes an unexpected turn, let’s hold onto the truth that God’s ways are always higher than ours. And if we trust Him, we’ll find the joy and beauty He’s prepared for us, just as Emily found with her precious Vignette. 🌿🌿🌿🌿

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Just a Little Bit -- Goes a Long Way


Ever found yourself looking for love, compassion, or even just a smidge of encouragement in all the wrong places? Like expecting a plant to grow in a desert without a drop of water? We've all been there, haven’t we?

But here’s the thing – God didn’t just start it all; He started it all with the sole purpose of blessing us so that we would pass it on. Talk about a divine game of pay-it-forward! You see, we are the conduits of His blessings.

Christ’s words in Luke 6:38, "Give, and it will be given to you," lay out this beautiful spiritual law: reciprocity. Now, don’t worry – this isn’t some complicated cosmic algebra. Yikes! I get the hibby-jibbies when I remember my algebra class in high school. I never understood how algebra could be anything but a headache.

Oops! I went on a rabbit trail!   Seriously, that “Give, and it will be given you” is a principle we see every day. You smile at someone, and guess what? Nine times out of ten, you’ll get a smile right back. If you offer criticism, well... let’s just say you might get an equally critical "gift" in return. The point is, our actions create ripples, whether we notice it or not.

The law of reciprocity is woven into the very fabric of how God designed the world. Physics even agrees – for every action, there’s an equal and opposite reaction. So why not test it out in the best way possible? Be the blessing. Whether you’re at the grocery store, in line at the DMV (pray for patience), or even wrangling unruly kids (or grandkids!) – be the one who radiates God's goodness.

Genesis 12:2 says it plainly, “I will bless you…so you will be a blessing.” Let’s not just keep God’s blessings in our pockets like forgotten pennies. Let’s spend them wildly – on smiles, kind words, and compassion. You just never know how your small act of blessing could come rolling back to you like an unexpected gift from heaven.

God’s system of giving always ensures we’re never left empty-handed. So go ahead, be that blessing today – the returns are better than anything Amazon Prime could deliver!


Saturday, October 5, 2024

Sign Me Up for a Fruit Inspection!

I must be very careful with my words today because I cringe with the thought that I could sound judgmental. I am adamant in my position which I think is obvious for Who I follow -- our Abundant Life Provider (John 10:10).

Maybe I'm naive because I assume that those I hang out with follow my set of values, principles and God's ways according to His Word. But, shock and awe! Not everyone sees my way of thinking! How can it be?

Such was the case when a friend expressed that she is the opposite and anti-most everything else I stand for. I could have been knocked over with a gentle breeze. At first I thought I'd provide a list of reasons for my position, but then I thought "What would Jesus do?"

Immediately the Fruit of the Spirit -- the qualities that I want "fruitful" in my life, came to mind. So, I expressed my love and that "our politics and persuasions" don't make a difference in that love.

Here's what I know. I know we shouldn't judge others, lest we be judged (Matthew 7:1-3). But, I figure it's quite alright to inspect the fruit in my own life and be my own "fruit inspector". I can judge me.

Matthew 7:20 says "Therefore, by their fruit you will recognize them." WOW! That’s how we’re recognized as devoted followers of Christ, or not. By our "fruit". So as fruit inspectors, first, we need to pass the test on the fruit we, ourselves, are bearing. It will be obvious, not by judging, but by inspecting where people are by the fruit they bear also.

It is "fruit bearing" season. "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." (Galatians 5:22-23) I'm checking out the "freshness" of my own fruit even as I type this blog.

As we experience the Holy Spirit's work in our lives, those beautiful attributes and characteristics of the FRUIT of the Holy Spirit will thrive and flourish in our lives. As believers, we know Holy Spirit is in us so we already have the good soil, fertilizer, nutrients and everything else we need for a bumper crop of good fruit!

With all the unrest in our world and the craziness of politics, we can still find mixed-in times of thanksgiving and gratitude. It's the perfect time to settle down to be drawn into a place of intimacy with God and inspect the good or bad fruit we may be bearing.

Perhaps, self-fruit-introspection is what will make us true "Fruit of the Spirit" fruit bearers that cause others to desire that fruit in their own lives, too. Lord, let it be!

Friday, October 4, 2024

That Precious Rocking Chair

I no longer have a rocking chair because its usefulness was over, but it meant the world to me at one time. Oh, the joy I experienced in that rocker. I sat and rocked in it and sang sweet love songs to each of my babies and grandbabies.

I’d kiss their soft cheeks and take deep breaths as I smelled that heaven-scent aroma on them. I’d pray for their little lives to be filled with the love and grace of God. They’d drift off to sleep as I cuddled them so close – and often, I’d fall asleep, too. It was almost a holy, sacred place of complete peace and serenity.

I'm sure that many of you who are reading this blog today, remember those sweetest of times rocking your little ones.

Well, not only have I ridded myself of the rocking chair I had for my babies (my own and my grands), I am purposing daily to get rid of the not-so-precious "worry" rocking chair.

In the words of the great philosopher, Erma Bombeck, “Worry is like a rocking chair: It gives you something to do, but it doesn’t get you anywhere.”

From firsthand experience, I can tell you that statement is true. I've done my share of worrying, and to this day, it has NEVER gotten me anywhere! I realized that worrying is a time waster, energy sucker, stomach nauseater, and a depression maker -- not to mention, that I disappointed God when I was a "Worry Wart".

Worry Wart: someone who worries too much. Worst of all, being a worrier is admitting that we’re not trusting God to take care of the situations in our lives.

God knows that one of the greatest "joy stealers" in our lives is worry. That's why He reminds us not to worry and to trust Him completely. Jesus said in Matthew 6:25 “Therefore I tell you, DO NOT BE ANXIOUS ABOUT YOUR LIFE." That doesn’t sound like a suggestion, but a commandment from God.

Sometimes….as stalwart as we may be in professing to have great faith, and trusting in God implicitly, we are still vulnerable to the lies of the enemy. But thanks be to God, like rebooting a computer, we can do a “reboot” on our minds and remember what we know to be true.

"Cast the whole of your care (all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all) on Him, for He cares for you." (I Peter 5:6, 7).

I love that image! In that scripture, it means CASTING the cares -- all of them, on Him....and NOT reeling them back in. We CAST them to Him....and let go of them.

I'm learning my lessons well. When worry starts knocking on my door.....I do my best to quickly put mind on HIM who is my worry-bearer. "Him I will keep in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Me" (Isaiah 26:3).

I quickly go get in my precious "peace" rocker and I cast the cares, the worries and pressures on Him -- after all HE is the Prince of Peace so why should we worry or fret?

What rocking chair are you rocking in today? A chair of peace and serenity or the chair of worry – that gets you nowhere. I’m choosing the peace chair! How about

Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Cross is the Difference-Maker


It’s no secret that I keep my eyes and ears wide open for God-ideas that give me content for my daily blogs. And, that content comes from various places — a scripture reading, while praying, while scrolling through my social media platforms, while being out and about in a foreign country or in my community, something a friend said or just a random thought. And you know what? When I seek, I find Him!

Today, my thoughts are about the cross I am wearing. It’s not a lucky charm by no means. Luck just isn’t in the equation of God’s daily blessings to His kids. But the cross is a difference maker. When we grasp the power of our risen Savior, the cross becomes a symbol of eternal life because of the price that was paid on the cross.

I know there isn’t power in the cross perse’ unless we believe in the ONE, Jesus Christ and what He did ON the cross. What He did in giving His life as a ransom for us is the power behind our faith.

Isn’t it encouraging when we see high profile people – celebrities, newscasters, and politicians, etc., wearing a cross around their neck? I am a noticer, and I notice it. I don’t pretend to know they are a follower of Jesus, but I do surmise that they are proud of wearing the symbol that changed everything about our lives here on earth and in heaven!

I see a cross and I am reminded of the price that was paid for me. I tend to have an eye-opening experience when I see one. It’s like the scripture, Jeremiah 29:13 – “But God said: “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.”

Of course, the greatest symbol of God’s love for mankind is the cross. I love seeing that reminder. And isn’t that what that scripture means? “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek me with all your heart.”

He is just a thought away, a prayer away, and a cross away. How I thank Him for the cross and how I thank Him for the reminder of His love for me!

God is here, there, and everywhere! Let’s keep our eyes wide open! You might just have a holy moment that assures you of God’s presence with you right here and now, too!

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Home Sweet Home, Here and There

As much as I love traveling and soaking in the beauty of places like Puerto Vallarta, there’s nothing quite like coming home. We returned home yesterday! Sweet Home Austin!

Home sweet home! Home is where the heart is. There's no place like home. My happy place. Home, my sanctuary. A place of comfort. Home, my refuge. The comfort of home. My cozy corner.

Home, a place of peace. It’s the place where we can kick off our shoes, sink into the comfort of our surroundings, and just be ourselves—no pretenses, no masks, just being home!

As grateful as I am for my sweet earthly home, another home fills my heart with even greater excitement—the home that awaits us in heaven. Can you imagine it? A home where we’ll be welcomed by a heavenly choir, all prepared for those who love and serve the Lord. What a day of rejoicing that will be!

When we all see Jesus, we’ll sing and shout the victory. The struggles of this life will be behind us, and in that moment, nothing will matter but the overwhelming joy of being with Him. There will be no more tears, no more pain—just pure, everlasting peace.

And in that eternal home, there’s no need for the sun or moon because the Lord Himself is our light. His glory will shine brighter than anything we’ve ever known, and we’ll be forever in His presence, basking in His love and majesty.

As much as I love my earthly home, nothing compares to the home we have waiting for us in heaven. It’s a place prepared just for us—a place where we’ll dwell with our Savior, worshiping and rejoicing for all eternity.

So while I’m grateful for my time here, my heart leaps with joy at the thought of that eternal home. I can’t wait to join that heavenly choir and sing, "Victory in Jesu

It's Not Over Till I Win

I was recently switching out my summer wardrobe for fall when I stumbled upon a cherished t-shirt with the words, “It’s Not Over Till I Win.” Filled with memories, those words are more than just a catchy phrase; they’re the title of a song my daughter wrote many years ago during some of her toughest battles.

The chorus of her song still rings in my ears:
"I’m not givin’ up. I’m not givin’ in. I’ve got to keep believing. It’s not over till I win! I’m not givin’ up! I’m not givin’ in. I’ve gotta keep on pressing on. Cause it’s not over till I win."

Those lyrics became the anthem of her life and her ministry events, a rallying cry to persevere no matter what life throws at you. And believe me, life threw a lot her way. But every time, she’d lace up her boots, straighten her shoulders, and declare, “It’s not over till I win!” Her husband, Larry, carries that same spirit.

I remember a couple of years ago, Larry was wearing his “Win All Day” t-shirt when his tractor got stuck in the mud at their lake. Not a single swear word, not a hint of frustration. He simply focused on solving the problem.

And just a few weeks ago, that same t-shirt made an appearance when a cement truck got stuck on their property. Did he throw in the towel? No, with another tow truck, it was pulled out and moved forward, same as always.

Larry and Staci have faced more obstacles than I can count, yet they continue to inspire those around them with their tenacity and faith. They’ve chosen a “never quit” attitude, just like the song says. They’re living proof that no matter how deep the mud or heavy the cement, you keep pressing on.

So maybe today, you feel like giving up. I’ve been there, and I understand. But take a moment and look around. There are people who have faced worse and come out stronger. They don’t just sit back, sigh, and wish things would change. They dig deep, push through, and rise above. They refuse to let life’s circumstances hold them down.

And let’s be honest, we’ve got every reason to keep going. We’re blessed, equipped, and best of all, we’ve got a Heavenly Father who says, “With Me, all things are possible!” So don’t quit now. Lift your head, find your song, and sing it loud: “It’s Not Over Till I Win!”

Let’s embrace the good fight, celebrate the victories, and remember—it’s not over till we win. We’ve got this!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Gitty-Up and Give It to God

We sat in the La Cantina Restaurant in Puerta Vallarta, Saturday night. We were watching Texas Tech (Carl’s alma mater) play Cincinnati. We were pleased to be front and center to the big screen -- thanks to a kind DJ that runs all the sports screens. Yay! Tech won!

Though it was a great game to watch, I couldn't help but notice so many children there with their families. I was more captivated by the children around us and took photo after photo of them – as you can see here! I knew I was about to have a new blog subject.

These young ones -- dancing, hugging, smiling, and enjoying themselves -- some even sitting in saddle-like seats at the bar -- were full of energy and joy, completely in the moment. Thus, my "gitty-up" reference.

One minute they’re squirming in their seats, the next they’re dancing or off on some grand adventure in the corner of the room.

And you know what? No one seemed to mind. In fact, the daddies, mamas, and grandmas there were right alongside them, picking up the slack, joining in the fun, and savoring the joy of simply being together.

Watching those children reminded me of something so important! We could all use a little more childlike freedom in our lives. When did we get so wrapped up in worry, stress, and all the 'what ifs'?

God never intended for us to live this way. Jesus even told us, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)

Just like those little ones couldn’t stay still, we’re not meant to be weighed down by our problems. God invites us to lay our burdens at His feet. He wants us to experience the joy and freedom of living as His beloved children.

As Psalm 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you; He will never let the righteous be shaken.”

So, let’s do it -- let’s gitty-up and give it to God! Whatever’s been weighing you down, whether it’s big or small, take it to the Lord. He is ready and waiting, arms open wide. And just like those kids at the restaurant, once we let go, we’ll be free to run, play, and celebrate the life He’s given us.

In the words of that old hymn, “Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there. If you trust and never doubt, He will surely bring you out. Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there.” Amen and amen!

Sunday, September 29, 2024

A Picture Perfect Moment… and a Raccoon!

There’s nothing quite like celebrating our anniversary surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of God’s creation here in Puerto Vallarta.

The lush palm trees swaying gently in the ocean breeze, vibrant flowers painting the landscape with color, and the sounds of tropical birds singing their joyful songs remind me of how wonderfully creative our God is.

The other night, Carl and I had just finished a delicious Mexican meal at La Cantina when we sighted two sisters dressed alike and I asked if I could take their picture. They posed like this wasn't their first photo opt. But what I was going for -- really -- was the raccoon who was photo-bombing them! LOL!

That little furry faced raccoon was living in the beauty and kindness of those around him who were giving him treats after treats. He was tame -- unlike those who are ravaging through trash cans. This little guy was soaking in the splendor of it all.

Now, I’ve seen photobombs before, but this one took the cake! The raccoon, as tame as can be, seemed to pose right alongside the girls. I learned he’d found himself quite a habitat here, being fed and doted on by visitors who treated him like a little celebrity.

As funny and unexpected as it was, it reminded me of how God’s creatures, great and small, have their unique way of bringing joy into our lives. And, how God cares for them in such beautiful ways.

It’s moments like these that remind me of Psalm 104:24, “How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.” From the majesty of the towering palm trees to the playful antics of a friendly raccoon, God’s handiwork is all around us, inviting us to marvel at His creativity.

Just like that raccoon, sometimes we find ourselves in places we didn’t expect to be, showing up in someone else’s picture, bringing a little joy and laughter. So, whether we’re exploring new paths or just photobombing a moment, let’s remember to celebrate the beauty of life and the Creator who made it all.

Here’s to embracing the unexpected, finding joy in the little things, and always giving thanks for the masterpiece that is God’s creation.
Blessings from Puerto Vallarta!

Friday, September 27, 2024

Celebrating Love in God’s Masterpiece

Carl and I are blessed to be back in Puerto Vallarta, celebrating one year of marriage where our love story began—this time last year on our honeymoon.

There’s something about this place that feels like God’s canvas. The palm trees sway like worshippers in the wind, and the trails invite us to lose ourselves in the splendor of His creation. It’s a sanctuary of peace and beauty that reminds us of His majesty and love.

Last night, we were immersed in delight at the Rhythms of the Night show, a performance that truly celebrated the incredible gifts God has bestowed on people. From the breathtaking aerial trapeze acts to the dancers, singers, and musicians who seemed to weave a tapestry of talent and passion, it was a reminder of the Creator’s own artistry. Each performer reflected a piece of God’s creativity, their talents a testament to the divine image we are all created in.

Our evening began with a sunset cruise on a catamaran across Banderas Bay, a journey painted in hues of gold and orange, as if God Himself was wishing us well.

We arrived at Las Caletas, a secluded beach only reachable by boat, where the night unfolded in an open-air amphitheater under a canopy of stars. The show was a marvel of talent and special effects, reminiscent of the wonders and the warmth and spirit of Mexican culture.

After the show, we were treated to a romantic, candle-lit buffet dinner nestled on a hillside. A strings trio serenaded us with traditional Mexican songs, each note a whisper of love and joy. It was a night woven with laughter, wonder, and the palpable presence of God’s love.

In moments like these, we are reminded that every good and perfect gift comes from above (James 1:17). The beauty of creation, the joy of shared love, the awe-inspiring talents of others—all are reflections of His goodness and grace.

So, as Carl and I continue to celebrate this special milestone, we do so with hearts full of gratitude for the love, laughter, and countless blessings that have marked this past year. Here’s to many more years of dancing in His light, marveling at His handiwork, and celebrating the gift of love He’s given us to share.

This is Just a Chapter

"Well, this is a fine mess!" Isn’t that what we think when life throws us for a loop? Like we’ve stumbled into the wrong chapter of our own story. But hang tight, because shattered dreams are the very pages God uses to write the most incredible comebacks!

We’ve all been there—broken relationships, financial upheavals, health struggles, or dreams lost. And in those moments, it’s easy to think, “Why me, Lord?” But remember, when it feels like everything is unraveling, God is still holding the pen, crafting a story that’s far from over.

Romans 8:28 promises, “All things work together for good to those who love God.” It’s a verse we cling to, not because it promises us a smooth ride, but because it assures us that even the rough patches are part of His divine plan. Our God isn’t in the business of quick fixes. He’s in the business of making all things beautiful in His time—even the mess we’re in now.

Just think about Joseph. Sold into slavery by his own brothers, falsely accused, thrown into prison—his life was like one bad chapter after another. It felt like he was stuck in the longest "To Be Continued..." of all time! But what did he say to his brothers when it was all said and done? “You meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Genesis 50:20).

Those were not just words of forgiveness but words of faith in a God who specializes in plot twists!

So, what about your story? Maybe you’re stuck in a chapter that feels like a never-ending cliffhanger. But take heart! The Author of your story is still writing, and He’s good at turning tragedies into triumphs. You’re not defined by this struggle, this setback, or even this chapter. In fact, the very things that seem to be holding you down may be setting the stage for a comeback you could never imagine.

Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. We are tougher than we think because we have God’s strength to lean on. His peace will carry us when nothing else makes sense, and His joy will rise beyond the pain.

So, let’s keep turning the pages with hope. God sees every tear, hears every prayer, and He’s busy crafting the next chapter of our stories that are filled with resilience, overcoming, and even joy. This chapter isn’t the end of our story; it’s just the setup for the next one.

We will get through this—not by our strength, but by God’s unshakable, unfailing love. The best is yet to come. Stay tuned!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The Goodness of God

I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing Cece Winans sing “The Goodness of God”. It's not just a song; it’s my anthem, a reminder of all the ways God has shown up in my life.

I’ve already told my husband that when my time comes to leave this side of heaven, I want that song to be sung at my celebration of life. But don’t rush me! I’m not planning on checking out any time soon! There’s still too much of God’s goodness to sing about and live out!

When I look back on my life, I see His hand in every moment. He’s been with me through the healing of my children and my own healings, reminding me time and again of His faithfulness. It’s a faith that has kept me anchored, locked into His promises, no matter what storms came my way.

And speaking of storms, I remember the many tornadoes that swept through our property in Oklahoma. I could feel His peace and safety like a fortress around us. There were times I would whisper, “Lord, You are my refuge and strength,” and just like that, the fear would melt away. His goodness was—and is—my shield.

I’ve known love in abundance, from my late husband’s unwavering devotion to my sweet Carl, who has shown me that love truly does have a second act. Both men have been tangible reminders of God’s love for me.

And then, there’s the purpose He gave me with these blogs, a way to share hope, help, and healing with those who need it. That’s His goodness running after me, giving me breath to sing of His mercies every single day.

For friends and family who have been pillars of support, for daily bread on my table, for the privilege of worshiping in church, and for the strength to keep going -- how could I not sing of the goodness of God? His faithfulness isn’t just a line in a song; it’s the very fabric of my life.

So, as long as I have breath, I’ll keep singing. I’ll sing of the God who led me through the fire, held me in His hands, and never left my side. Because all my life, He has been faithful. All my life, He has been so, so good.

Please watch and listen to this song. I’m quite sure it will become your anthem too! God bless you my beloved friends.

“'Cause all my life You have been faithful
And all my life You have been so, so good
With every breath that I am able
Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God