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Friday, April 30, 2010

Peace, Be Still

On this incredible faith journey, though we are confident in the good work God is doing in my sweetheart, I'll admit there have been highs and lows in emotions. Ron, is truly my hero, today, more than all of our yesterdays, as I watch him refuse to succomb to pain, as well as to the many voices he is hearing.

Last night was one of debilitating pain -- he said it felt like knives going into him -- the pain much worse than it was before the surgery -- trying to find a place of rest where the pain would not be so intense, he finally found his recliner in the den to be a place of comfort at 3 am in the morning. Thankfully, he woke several hours later with the pain much less intense.

Of course, I felt I needed to be my Hero's She-ro, so first thing, this morning, I called doctors' offices to voice my concern about this new-found pain in his body. Then all the voices began to increase in volume in our ears -- one saying, "it might be this"; "do that"; "take this medication"; "don't take that medication"; "eat this"; "don't eat that" and on and on! Before long, he and I, both, were a bundle of nerves. So, what do I do in times like this.....even before I call on God? Call my daughter! With always the just the right words, she immediately began to pray words of peace over us..."Jehovah Shalom (God our Peace), be very present with Mom and Dad!" "Mom & Dad, breathe in Jesus; breathe in peace!"

Immediately, the light bulb came on and, once again, the scripture, "Him I will keep in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on me" (Isaiah 26:3) came to me and my Sweetheart and I welcomed our Father God, Jesus, our Prince of Peace, and sweet Holy Spirit into our home and our day. We put on praise and worship music and the atmosphere that was prevalent with anxiety, concern and distraction, was replaced with calm peace and assurance that God had us and all our cares in His control and we have nothing to be concerned about. God knows about this journey we are on and has known about it long before we did.....He even knows the outcome! So why should we worry, fret or be concerned? I hear and share these words of Jesus with you......"Peace, be with you!"

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing your incredible faith journey. Peace be with you both! Love & prayers, Sheila


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