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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Our Great Roller Coaster Ride

I've always loved the thrill of the craziest, wild rides at amusement parks. Maybe that's why becoming a private pilot was no big deal for me. So relating our faith journey to a roller coast makes perfect sense.

For over 43 years, Ron and I have had ministry opportunities to many people -- encouraging them in faith to trust God for anything -- "nothing too big or too small for God, who loves us so much". We've told many, "When it comes to facing difficult situations in their lives, to just get on the roller coaster -- throw your hands up in the air, take the ups and downs and twists and turns.....and enjoy the ride!" Little did we realize when we shared that with others, we'd be getting on the "Big Kuhuna" Roller Coaster, ourselves. In fact, we've received back that very same message from several of those individuals that we've encouraged with that word which is a testament to the scripture, 2 Corinthians 1:4 "who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God".

It's been a couple of weeks since blogging. Ron has been making steady progress in recovering from the emergency surgery to remove the tumor off of his spinal cord. We've had some "game" delays waiting for the incision to heal. Now we're back in the game. We find that with each test, consultation with physicians, receiving medical reports and diagnosis, that God gives us new strength, encouragement and peace. You'll notice I speak of "we" when I write because this is about, not just "he", but it's Ron and I and our family. We're all "in it to win it"!!!

Tomorrow, Ron will be having a 3-day treatment/surgery called "cyberknife". This is to remove an additional tumor from the L-2 vertabrae -- it's not in as severe location as the first one so this one can be dealt with in a less invasive manner.
Cyberknife uses a precise radiosurgery device that produces the radiation with sub-millimeter accuracy and is mounted on a robotic arm. We understand that Ron shouldn't have any major side effects to this and he should be right on his way afterward.

This is another one of those climb, climb, climb to one of those exciting twists and turns up ahead. Yes, it's tempting to get sweaty palms, white knuckles holding on so tight, but then, once again, we remind ourselves, God is in charge of the start and finish of this ride so we'll throw our hands up in the air and enjoy this trip! We are trusting God with all our hearts, so we are looking for positive results. Our faith is strong and we expect great things ahead!

Thanks so much to the prayer teams, churches, friends and family that are keeping us on your prayer lists! Much love and appreciation to all of you!

1 comment:

  1. HI Donna,
    Thank you for blogging in such wonderful detail. For those of us far away, this is immensely helpful in following Ron's progress and praying "specifics" for his healing.

    My sister-in-law has had the cyberknife several times for a brain tumor and it has worked extremely well!

    God bless you, you all are in our prayers for a complete recovery!

    Love you,


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