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Thursday, October 7, 2010

New Day -- Great Expectations

We have great expectations about what tomorrow (Friday) will hold for us. The surgery for Ron's pain pump implant is scheduled for noon tomorrow. We will be picked up at CTCA by ambulance and taken to the Tulsa Spine and Specialty Hospital for the procedure. We look forward to this new day and the potential for a better quality of life and comfort for my Honey. A precious cousin in Canada, who sends us weekly prayers, sent this prayer to us today. If you can, please pray it with us for our day tomorrow!

Father, again, we come thanking You for the blood of Jesus that gives us access to your throne. Thank You, that You are our fortress. Thank You, that You shelter us in the midst of the storm. Thank You, that You love us with an everlasting love. Thank You, that You promised You would never leave us or forsake us. Thank You, that You heal all our sickness and all our disease. Thank You, that each day You bless us and that Your mercy endures forever. You know exactly what is going on, Lord, so we look to You, our Healer. Thank You, that You have put doctors in place that believe your Word. Give the doctors wisdom, Lord, as they plan the next step to take. We pray that they would have steady hands as they do surgery for Ron's back. We ask that not only would You steady the doctors' hands, but that You would have Your hand on theirs, and that healing would flow as they operate. May each vertabrae work as it should, Lord. We believe that what You have begun, You will complete. We ask that You would cover his organs with the blood of Jesus and that every organ would work as it should. We also pray for the muscles, ligaments and tendons -- strengthen them, Lord, and protect them from any harm. Again, we ask that You would purify Ron's blood. May the good cells be strengthened and the bad cells be gone from his body in Jesus' name. We pray that his spine would be protected from any more infection and cancerous cells in the name of Jesus. Lord, You said in Isaiah that all we had to do was cry for help and that you will say, "Here am I". Thank You, Lord, that You are with Ron and Donna. Thank You, that You will answer the many prayers that are going up on their behalf. Thank You, Lord, that in Isaiah 41:13, You told us not to fear; that You will hold our right hand and that You will help us. Thank You, for the help You continue to give Ron and Donna, Lord. Continue to hold their hands. Thank You, that You are faithful. Thank You, that You said in Isaiah 51:10, "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, Your unfailing love for us will not be shaken nor Your covenant of peace removed". So, we ask that You would continue to strengthen Ron and Donna as they wait on You. We pray that the medication that will be put directly into Ron's spine would remove the pain, not just a little, but all of the pain. Thank You, that we can do everything through Him who gives us strength. Continue to give Ron and Donna physical, emotional, mental and spiritual strength today. Thank You, that they continue to stand upon Your Word which is true and will not return void. We come against any doubt or discouragement in the name of Jesus. We bind our minds to the mind of Christ, believing for that which we can not see knowing that the battle is Yours and that the victory is ours. We pray for the lives that continue to be touched because of Ron and Donna's stand for You and ask that many would be saved and encouraged in their walk with You. Together, we believe for the miracle of complete healing, knowing that it is on its way. We love You, Lord, and praise You because of who You ar.e and what You have done and are doing on our behalf.

In Jesus name,

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. 2 Thessalonians 3:16


  1. Love it! Prayed it tonight, and will do so again tomorrow. Sweet dreams, beautiful Donna and Ron. Looking forward to hearing a great report!

  2. We are praying and believing for Ron and all of you!

    Royce, Elaine & Family


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