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Friday, February 4, 2011

Breaker. Breaker. 1-9. Got Your Ears On??

“Breaker – Breaker 1-9” “Got a copy?” “How do you read me?” “Got your ears on?” That’s CB (Citizens Band – short distance radio) talk. Oh, yes, I was a CB-er in the 70’s and 80’s. My handle (name) was “Honeybee”! I’d say to a trucker on my CB, “You’ve got that one Honeybee. How’s it look over your shoulder (from where he’s coming from)?” Ron, his sister, a friend who played the guitar, myself, and our two children, traveled a lot back then in a 28 feet Winnebago – going from church to church and city to city, singing and delivering the “Gospel” message in word and song, as The Masters Four Quartet (that’s a story for another day). Talking, and listening, to truck drivers was a great way to stay awake when it was my turn to drive. I would enjoy listening to them talk to each other about a weather or accident report, alert each other to a “Smokey Bear” (police) that may be sitting ahead using his radar, and other, sometimes very quirky conversations.

The point I’m making in this Faith Journey Blog is “listening”! My friend and I made plans several weeks ago to attend a Women’s Conference in Oklahoma City this weekend. We were looking forward to leaving a day early in order to enjoy Oklahoma City’s Bricktown and a nice dinner out before the conference began. Then, we began to hear reports of snow coming to Oklahoma, and thought “No problem! We know God wants us at this conference – we’ll draw closer to Him as we bask in God’s presence when we hear the singing and the messages from the speakers. Nothing will deter us!” Even though we did get 14” of snow earlier in the week, we still knew the roads would be clear enough for us to go on Friday. Then, we heard, "More snow is coming on Friday!" But, being the adventureous women that we are, we declared, “We’ll still be able to make the trip, if we leave by 2:00 p.m.”. At least that's what we thought. Then, we heard newscasters begin to warn “Don’t even consider getting out on these roads – they’re treacherous!” As I’m writing this blog, I’m looking out my bedroom window, seeing the snow blanketing my backyard and lake, covering my grandchildren's snow tracks made earlier in the week. My friend and I conferred, and we laughed, as we clearly heard God saying……”DO YOU HEAR ME? GOT YOUR EARS ON? I’m telling you I have plans for you that don’t include a trip to Oklahoma City today!” It didn’t seem rational that God would want to keep us from this weekend that included a spiritual encounter with Him, but then God’s ways are so much higher and wiser than our ways, and, we could hear Him say, "Hellllllo. You can encounter ME whether you are at a conference or not!!"

As I pondered this whole scenario, it occurred to me that God uses so many ways to speak to His kids. I’ve watched news reports where people knew they shouldn’t get out on these roads, yet they went out anyway and ended up in a ditch, or even worse. A man in our neighborhood, yesterday, just thought he HAD to go to the store. He got stuck. A friend went and helped him out, but then, rather than listening to her and the neighbors' warnings, he proceeded to try to drive through the neighborhood and, as he did, he crashed into a car – now having to deal with having to pay to get the car repaired.

I started thinking about how much God loves us and how He wants us to HEAR Him when He speaks – just like the warnings and advice we give to our own children to keep them from harm and danger…..because we love them so much. Our Dad (Father God) loves us so much and wants us to be so blessed, that He warns us and beckons us to obey Him. In Deuteronomy 28, we read “If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all His commands, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God.” And God does talk to us and He wants us to listen. He’ll speak to us through a still small voice (maybe a child uttering a thought-provoking statement), through a worship song or a scripture we’ve read or a message we’ve heard, through a providential circumstance (maybe someone entering our life when we needed someone the most), through a dream or vision, or just a simple “inner knowing” that He has spoken to us by feeling so “right on” with a decision we’ve made.

Today, my friend and I heard Him speak to us…LOUD AND CLEAR….through newscasters and friends “giving us a warning message” and as we watch the snow that continues to fall. He’s saying, “I know what’s best for you. Trust me. I’m your Father and I have plans and purposes that exceed your greatest expectations.” And I reply back to Him, “Thank You for loving me so much. You know what’s best for me. I surrender my thoughts and plans to You. I know You will work everything out for my good. Hold me so close to You that I will always recognize and hear Your voice loud and clear. And, most importantly, help me to respond very quickly to your voice in obedience.”

Now, that’s a “big 10-4” (in full agreement)! I agree to listen for God’s voice that is always leading, guiding and protecting me. Yes, I've got my ears on!!!

Until next time, “I’ll catch ya’ on the flip-flop!” (I'll talk to you on my return trip!)


  1. I read this with the biggest smile on my face. I love you, Donna Wuerch. You are such a woman of God. And feel Ronald's presence with us. XO

  2. Donna, I agree, We all need to hear Him "LOUD AND CLEAR" and get our ears on!! Thanks for your words of wisdom!


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