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Monday, February 24, 2014

Can You Hear Me Now?

God is calling....."Can you hear me now?", He says.
I have this really awesome connection with God. He walks with me and talks with me. And, He tells me all kinds of things I need to hear and know. No, a booming voice does not call down from on high, and there's no handwriting on the wall. His voice is subtle -- almost imperceptible -- and I don't hear it unless I'm really listening. Sometimes the voice comes as a feeling or a knowing deep inside. Other times I may read the answer in scripture or I may encounter a solution to a dilemma by something a friend or minister or pastor says. His voice comes to everyone who asks and listens for Him. Oftentimes, the noise, activity, and loud voices of others tend to drown out His voice. But, we'll always be able to tell which voice is His -- it's that One that comes with love, peace, joy and comfort. If the voices you're hearing aren't like that, they're not His voice. If we don't get the answer we want, at the time we want, God might be saying "Not now" or "No" or "I've got something better in mind for you." Bottom line, He promises to speak to us -- but we have to be listening. "Call to me and I will answer you and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3. Keep listening. The next time He says "Can you hear me now?" you'll hear Him, and you'll answer, "Yes, Lord, LOUD and CLEAR!"

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