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Sunday, March 2, 2014

I Believe I Can Fly -- If Dumbo Can -- So Can I

Yesterday, I posted "I believe I can fly!" Let's take it a step further. Do you remember Dumbo -- the Disney character that had huge ears? Other elephants ridiculed him, until he met Timothy Mouse that changed his perspective. Timothy convinced Dumbo that his little feather had magical powers that could turn his ears into wings. He created a sense of hope and expectation in Dumbo that was missing. The more Dumbo BELIEVED "anything is possible", the more Dumbo was convinced he could fly. Finally, despite the voices of opposition from the crows, Dumbo rose to the challenge and elevated his faith with courage. He turned his doubt into faith and turned those huge ears into an asset that helped him fly.

What changed for Dumbo? That brilliant little mouse helped Dumbo see that the power to fly begins in the belief that it's possible to fly. And the same with us -- when our hope rises, so does our perspective.

And what about you? What are the "ears" or "voices" that might be the cause for your discouragement, rejection or weakness? The voices of others who say you can't, or the voice of Father God -- that voice of TRUTH and FAITH, that says "With God, all things are possible"? With those "ears", we can rise above our challenges, our past, and those voices of opposition. Dumbo could fly. I believe I can fly…..AND I believe YOU can, too!

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