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Monday, March 24, 2014

Bitter or Better?

I have an Aunt who has been in a British Columbia hospital for over 15 months now -- Crohn's Disease -- and, after all she's gone through -- so many surgeries, in so much pain, and many other complications -- she remains joy-filled, thankful, and continues to give God praise to be alive. Her faithful husband rides the bus for 45 minutes each way to go see her each day. I continue to tell them...."You are on assignment! People are encountering THE LIGHT when they see you! You have been seasoned with God's peace, His joy and His faithfulness.....'for such a time as this'! All roads of your life have led you to this time!"
And, I see that in my life.....the faith journeys have led me to this time of "singing in the rain", of "coming through the fire -- and not smelling like smoke"!
What have the experiences of your life brought you to? Are you bitter.....or better because of them? Are those problems making you....or breaking you? Are you a Victor or a Victim? Are you comforting others with the comfort that you've been comforted with? If you KNOW you're on assignment.....are on in GOD's master plan.....and are causing people to come face-to-face with a BETTER WAY! are BETTER and are a VICTOR.....and you're causing others to be that, too!

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