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Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Purer the Vessel, the Greater the Flow

"The purer the vessel, the greater the flow" -- Staci Wallace
Before my girl left for the airport this morning, we had some sweet time talking about how much we desire God's ultimate "stamp of approval" on our lives, in EVERY area of our lives. We talked about the times when it's easy, and even seemingly harmless, to make little compromises in doing the RIGHT thing. You know....putting the shopping cart back into its proper location, or putting the cereal you don't want, back in the cereal aisle. Or, being given too much change back by a cashier, and just keeping it; or just a little white lie; or just a little gossip. It's the little things, that over time, that causes our consciences to become seared, and what was once a clean, pure vessel, now starts getting clogged and that free flow of blessings seem to be held back. Again, this is that "tweaking" and "course correction" time, when we realize the LITTLE THINGS do matter. Don't we want the flow out of us to others to be abundant in encouragement, comfort, joy and love? And, don't we want God's flow back to us to be the same? It just makes sense to get out God's roto-rooter to clean-out and purify these vessels -- our pipelines -- because, as my girl said, "The purer the vessel -- the greater the flow!" Oh how I desire that flow -- freely flowing -- in and out of my life!

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