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Monday, March 31, 2014

Works of the Master Artist; Artists at Work

Loved my Life Group tonight as we talked about our great Creator Who created us with the abilities to CREATE. I asked each one to bring a photo or share something that they "created". I loved it when one of our precious ladies brought a gorgeous quilt she had made for a grandbaby that's on the way -- one quilt among many she made for family, as well as those she's created for her business. She was already a quilter when her husband passed away a couple of years ago, and then just a couple of months later, her home burned to the ground. EVERYTHING she owned -- burned, including her quilting machine and tools. She said, "That's it. I'll never quilt again." Then one day, she said, "I'm not going to stop living. I'll start again!" And with that, she rebuilit her home and started creating again. Yes, she spread her wings, and today she exudes with life and love and liberty of knowing she is on assignment. Have you stopped living? Have you stopped creating? God wants us to break free from those things that stopped the creative juices from flowing. He wants us to spread our wings and fly in freedom to be all He destined us to be -- and to touch many lives while we do. We are works of the Master Artist, and we are Artists at work!

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