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Wednesday, March 26, 2014

You are FABulous!

Just a little reminder....just in case you don't like what you see in the mirror -- there is really only one opinion that matters.....and if God sees you FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL ....then you are FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL indeed! We ARE beautiful because God says we are -- “PERIOD.” When we walk in that kind of word, there is nothing, no nothing, that should EVER change our mind or sway our thinking otherwise. He wants us to see ourselves through His eyes, and through His perspective. I love this verse.....Psalm 139:14 "I praise YOU because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; YOUR works are wonderful. I know that full well." This verse is a reminder that our duty is to praise God for what He has made. Each and every one of us is a wonderful work of art. Yes, He thinks we're beautiful. Just the way we are. We are not defined by our wrinkles, our gray hair, our muffin top tummies, our husband, our job, our age, or our kids. We are exactly as we should be, FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL because the One who made us is FABULOUS & BEAUTIFUL. Isn't it so great that we bear a striking resemblance to our CREATOR and DAD??

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