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Tuesday, April 29, 2014

If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat!

You know the deal -- when we stretch our faith, and go for it: "Yes, we're buying a house" or "Yes, we're going to start our family -- we're going to have a baby" or "Yes, I'm changing jobs -- the pay is less, but it's what I love to do" or "Yes, I will run a marathon" or "Yes, I will start a Bible Study in my home" or "Yes, I'm quitting smoking" or "Yes, we're moving!" It's all about TRUSTING God to hold us up, when we stretch our faith to "walk on water"!

It's that first step that holds so many of us back. But, it's time for us to get out of our comfort zone. Sometimes God has a way of shaking things up around us to make us so uncomfortable that we will strive to move from where we are, to the next level of our destiny. And, those adversities we are facing? God could be allowing them to push us out of the boat and into the deep, so He can bless us with a new level of faith and maturity and blessings! It's time to live with "no regrets" and for us to learn to let go of our fears and insecurities, and to reach out for life at its fullest. Even if we fall, as Peter did, there will always be SOMEONE to reach out and help us get our balance again! And, by the way, our Lifeguard DOES walk on water -- so need to worry or fret!

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