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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Leaving Behind Faith Footprints

On Thursday, a dear uncle graduated to heaven and, of course, thoughts go to the precious memories we made together, as well as the legacy and the footprints he left for us to follow. He was a beautiful soul, but most impactful, was his last year and a half where he lovingly, tenderly and devotedly cared for his very ill wife. None of us thought he would graduate to heaven before she did, but God knew, as His plans always one-up any that we may have.

As, I drove to Dallas yesterday, and in my quiet space of thought and prayer, I started thinking about MY faith footprints -- the imprints and effect that my time on this earth might have. Surely, we should be working as diligently to make our faith footprints as large as we can, so we really do make a difference in as many lives as we possibly can, while we're still on this side of heaven. We may think "How can I make a footprint so large when I am just so ordinary?" But, God uses "ordinary" people to do extraordinary things. Sam Walton....was a very poor farm boy; Oprah Winfrey was born into poverty; King David....was just a shepherd boy; Jesus....was a carpenter. And you and I are on this earth, today, regardless of our leave behind faith footprints for others to follow.....I'm determined to make mine the biggest footprints that I can! How about you?

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