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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Prepare Me to be a Sanctuary

Tuesday of Holy Week -- Jesus most certainly set the record straight about God's house being a place of prayer and holiness. When He saw the money changers and merchants selling their wares, He turned over their tables and cleared them out, exclaiming, "God's house shall be a place of prayer!" Matthew 21:13

Bringing that home to my life, I look within at the "tables" in my life -- those things that would distract me from being that pure and holy sanctuary for His presence. So I pray "Lord, clear out my heart. Do what you will, even to the point of 'over-turning' any tables that may distract me from You. May my heart's song, and my life be a sanctuary for you:
"Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary;
Pure and holy, tried and true;
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living;
Sanctuary for You."

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