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Saturday, April 26, 2014

MY Way on the Highway?

Remember the folded up maps we once used when we headed out for road trips? I loved being the navigator! Those maps, and I, most certainly kept us right on course to get to our destination faster. And, that was important, because we didn't do a lot of dilly dallying when it came to road trips.

But it's a new era! "Personal Navigation Systems" are found in vehicles and smartphones all over the world. The first PNAs were hand-held units used by the U.S. military. Today that technology is supported by 24 satellites orbiting the earth, with three available at any one time for our device to use. WOW! There's just no reason why we should EVER get lost if we followed the voice of Miss GPS. Even still, I'll hear her, and think "MY way is better", and before long she's saying "Make a legal U-turn!" And, I think, "If only I'd followed her directions!" The most sophisticated directional technology in the world is not much help if we won't follow its directions.

And it's the same with listening and following the directions of He Who knows everything about everything and is ALWAYS accurate in His course directions. When we follow God's instructions, and not waver off the path He's laid out for us, or think "my way is better"...then, there will be no anxiety or concern about getting lost -- He'll make sure we'll get to where we need to go, and arrive when we need to get there!!

I posted this scripture yesterday, but it merits repeating today. "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your OWN understanding; in ALL your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." Proverbs 3:5-6

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