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Friday, April 25, 2014

We Will Change the World

What a Motley Crew the disciples were. There's Peter -- one minute he was walking on water by faith, and the next, he was sinking in doubts. He was impulsive, emotional, and, then His worst failure was denying Jesus. And, then there’s Matthew, a dishonest tax collector. And, you gotta’ love Thomas who, to this date, is known as “doubting Thomas". But, then....old things passed away. Peter became a bold evangelist/missionary and one of the greatest leaders of the early church. Matthew heard Jesus words, “Follow me”, and he left everything and obeyed. His eyewitness account, is the first Gospel of the New Testament. And, I love that Thomas, though he initially doubted the resurrection, became a man of great faith. He found the truth and also became a great evangelist and missionary. Yes, they changed the world.

And here we are 2,000+ years later -- do you see in this photo how Jesus is pointing His finger at you and me? Though this is a photo and script from "The Bible Series", the message is clear….God is calling US to change our world, also. Though we may have hang-ups, fears, doubts, and other character flaws, and even, like Peter, deny our Lord by our actions, the transforming power of Christ can change US from being a member of the Motley Crew to dynamic and devoted followers of Christ. Like Peter, Matthew, Thomas, and the millions of others throughout the ages.....let's heed the call, and do our part. Could it be that's why God put us here, at this time, to carry on the message, and be a WORLD CHANGER, too?

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