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Friday, May 9, 2014

Fight the Good Fight of Faith

Last night, the gals from my Life Group embraced one of our members whose dear husband went to heaven two years ago, yesterday. At dinner she shared what a wonderful husband and dad he was, as well as being a brave soldier in the Vietnam war. Then we went to see "Heaven is For Real". Perfect movie for the celebration. Sweet times -- sharing each other's faith journeys. This group, also, wants to be good soldiers, armored with God’s Word. Most importantly, we are doing what St. Paul told young Timothy to do in 1 Timothy 6:12, “Fight the good fight of FAITH!” We are convinced God uses our “life's adventures” to equip us with undaunted and unwavering faith.

I remember what a brave, courageous soldier my own sweet husband was, and what it was like.....before the "suddenly". Once upon a time, we had days that seemed so “routine”....waking up, getting dressed, having devotion, eating breakfast, going to work, etc. Repeat. And then, the “suddenly” came that brought a totally new life perspective. Before, rarely did we take the time to focus on how green the grass was, how blue the sky was, how bright the sun was, and how precious were days that were pain-free.

We took the preciousness of life so for granted. I received a lot of e-mails from friends that talked about appreciating life…..and never really got it, until our "suddenly". You know, holding my Honey’s hand, kissing his sweet lips, smelling his wonderful smell (btw -- “Fierce by Abercrombie” -- LOL!), hearing his laughter when he played with the grandchildren, hearing him tell me once again “I love you” – all those things that were once “routine” became so precious and dear to me!

Why do I continue to share my story with my FB friends? Because I want you to appreciate the life, love and laughter God has given you with your precious loved ones. Make every day a day of great thankgiving and making precious memories that will last a lifetime. In the meantime, for my sweet friend and I -- our husbands are cheering us on from heaven's grandstands, and we plant their flag of VICTORY knowing they fought the good fight, conquered, and earned their reward. And, she and I are both determined to finish our race strong -- cherishing each day, and celebrating this side of heaven. We know the other side will make room for us soon enough. That's when we'll plant OUR victory flag -- THERE!

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