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Saturday, May 31, 2014

One Man's Trash is a Raccoon's Treasure

I live in a new community where five homes are being built to the east and west of me. The good news about being the first to build in a new subdivision is you have your choice of lots (mine backs up to a beautiful pond). The bad news about being the first to build here, is all the construction traffic that goes along with it. Last week, the garbage truck couldn’t get through the vehicles to pick up my trash. So, this week, I had an over-the-top number of trash bags. When I set my garbage container out last night, I thought “Wonder if this is a mistake – what if there are any varmints around?”

Tada!!! What to my wandering eyes would appear this morning, but my trash (or the remains thereof) spread across my lawn, street and sidewalk!! No doubt, it was raccoons that invaded my trash. Indeed, one man’s trash (or junk) is typically another man’s treasure – and in my case, a raccoon’s FEAST. I scolded myself for ignoring the warning. But, then, again, it gave me thoughts for my Facebook post.

I could post about how much God cares about the birds of the air (or the raccoons) and how He feeds them. Or I could post about how when we get that little nudge or warning, that we are responsive enough to ACT on the warning. Or, I could share the memory that came to me about the estate sale company that my sister-in-law and I owned and operated. We witnessed the “junk” of many become the “treasures” for others. There would be a lid to a Tupperware that was unusable by one, but for another, it was just what they needed. There would be an old baby stroller that was unusable for a baby, but another would buy it to haul things in. There would be a discolored piece of jewelry that one would clean up and turn into a beautiful ornament. There would be an old, beat up window that another would turn into a piece of art. It’s a matter of how we look at life……and stuff.

So, rather than choose just one of the lessons to be learned from my raccoon story, I’ll share them all:
1) Since God cares so much for us AND His creatures…..make sure garbage containers have solid lids on them (from now on, I'll use a bungy cord)! LOL!
2) When God whispers a warning.....don’t dismiss it. It could save us a lot of time and effort instead of having to clean up a mess.
3) Enjoy going to garage and estate sales…..there just might be a treasure hidden amongst the junk.
4) In spite of how we feel about ourselves, perhaps unusable, unlikeable, broken or unwanted, God, the Master Artist and Lover of our souls, will, without complaint, clean up our messes, forgive us for ignoring His voice, and turn us into a beautiful, handcrafted work of art that He can touch and use as vessels of peace, encouragement and joy to bless the l

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