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Sunday, May 4, 2014

Seize the Moments

I'm loving this season of my life, and I’m doing my best to seize the moments, and most of all, to live with no regrets. You'll see me with my phone in hand -- not so much to answer a call, but to be ready to "capture that moment" so that I "have no regrets" about that once-in-a-lifetime photo opportunity. That's why you'll see photos of trees or sunsets or my grandkids or my friends or the kids' choir at church, or someone being baptized, that I'ved captured on camera. And, I love surprising my friends with photos that I've taken -- especially when they had no idea I captured the moment for them.

And, rarely do I miss the opportunity to take up a friend's invitation to go somewhere or do something with them. I do my best to listen for God's voice telling me to call or email or text someone, or even go see someone to give a word of good news and cheer. Seizing the moments. Life is just too short not to be that breath of fresh air that someone needs so much.

Oftentimes, it’s quite easy to say “I’m too tired or too busy to go there or to do that.” But, then we realize the fun we missed, or the opportunity we missed to make a difference in our life and someone else's life.

Are you seizing those moments, minutes, days of YOUR life? We are here at this place, and this moment of time, for a specific purpose that God gave for only us to fulfill. Let's be done with just going with the flow.....and let's live ALL IN! Let's look for those moments in this day.....that are over-the-top outrageous, once-in-a-lifetime moments, so that tomorrow, we'll look back and say, "I lived with NO REGRETS!"

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