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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Take a Deep Breath, Chill and Relax....God Has Got This!

Day before yesterday, I had the privilege of waiting with a dear friend as her husband was in back surgery by the same Neuro Surgeon and in the same hospital, that my sweetheart was in four years ago. I had a flood of memories as we set there, and I reminisced to my friend about this one. I think it bears repeating to encourage us all to “chill and relax” during times of overwhelming concern and worry.

We found out my husband had to have another emergency surgery to, once again, remove the tumor that had returned on his vertebrae and was impinging on his spinal cord. It was then that I grabbed Karen's hand (Ron's sister) and said "Let's go for a walk!" (You know, like Joshua marching around the walls of Jericho.) As we did, we prayed for God to station His angels around the hospital, for God's healing touch to Ron, and for wisdom and knowledge to our medical team. As we made our 6th round, we noticed lying on the grass at the corner of the hospital grounds was a Mama cat and her baby. They watched us intently, and unlike wild cats, they never flinched. Immediately, we could sense God saying to us "Just like these cats….. RELAX – be in peace -- I am with you! Enjoy the journey." We made our final, and 7th round, and just as we had not seen the cats in rounds one to five, they were gone on the 7th, but those words resonated within us. We came back to the hospital room and Ron, our daughter, and her husband were singing and praising God for the answer we knew He would give us the next morning. We went to sleep that night….completely at peace….knowing that God would be orchestrating the plans for the next day. And, He most certainly did.

What is weighing heavy on your heart today? What troubles loom above you like dark clouds? If it’s possible, go for a little walk and have a talk with He Who knows everything about everything – give the cares to Him. He knows what tomorrow holds, so why not allow Him to orchestrate the details? In the meantime, take a deep breath, chill, and RELAX…..God has got this!

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