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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Temporarily Out of Order - Let It Go

A few days ago, I posted about taking on life, and its ups and downs and twists and turns like riding in a roller coaster – I said, “Just throw your hands up in the air and enjoy the ride.” But, a friend shared with me…. “Roller coaster rides make me want to throw up!” That put a big smile on my face. But, in reality, we ALL have days like that. Just when we think we're making progress, another "mechanical" difficulty causes our ride to come to a screeching halt and the "TEMPORARILY OUT OF ORDER" sign goes up. You know, those times when we want to go back to bed and pull the covers over our head, rather than face another disappointment, defeat or delay.

But, ultimately, if we believe that God is working everything we encounter for our good, and if we believe that He has an awesome Master Plan underway, then we’ll get re-energized, re-focused, re-stored, and re-connected to the ONE who is in control. We’ll listen for His voice, and we’ll re-engage and re-focus on His promises to us and we’ll gain back our composure and calm. And, once again, we’ll “fight the good fight of faith”.

But, WARNING – TAKE PRECAUTION – just in case the enemy shows up to throw a monkey wrench in the mechanical system of your roller coaster – just carry along with you – a barf bag – and "Let it go!" (as sung by Elsa from the Disney Movie, “Frozen”). Get rid of the yuck, and get back on the ride of determination and put on that never-give-up and more-than-a- conqueror attitude! Then -- throw your hands up in the air and ENJOY THE RIDE!

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