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Sunday, May 11, 2014

Thankful on Mother's Day

It's Mother's Day, and I'm so thankful for my angel mom (on the right, Edna Pearl Wheat -- she's in heaven's grandstands cheering me on), and my dear mother-in-law, Lydia Wuerch (still going strong at age 91) -- two women that have been such amazing role models in faith, and life, to me! But, most importantly, these two "best friends" prayed together, strategized and conspired for our "match made on earth and in heaven". We definitely had an "arranged" marriage -- one that was arranged by these two, and arranged by God. I honor both of these two Godly women who knew God's plans long before we did. My deepest thanksgiving to God for His handiwork through them!

And, I am so thankful for these two precious girls that God blessed me with, and who blessed me with my precious grandchildren who call me "Nana"! I'm saying "Happy Mother's Day" to them,and to all you beautiful and precious mothers out there today!

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