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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

You're the Apple of His Eye

"If God had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. 
If God had a wallet, your photo would be in it.
He sends you flowers in the Spring, and a sunrise each morning.
You're the apple of His eye and the delight of His heart."
-Max Lucado

I'd say that makes you and me quite special. To know we are loved so extravagantly by our Dad, should sure make us want to bring Him pleasure as we reflect that same love everywhere we go. Wonder what we could do today to convey His love and heart of giving? Maybe we could start by thanking Him, praising Him, being proud of Him, like He is of us. Let's share the awesomeness of our God by talking about His greatness, goodness, love and mercy to others and let's look like Him today as we speak, serve others, and live out His love today. Wouldn't it be great if others remarked about us -- "You look just like your Dad!"?

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