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Sunday, May 25, 2014

You're My Sunshine -- Even When it Rains

I've thought about the positive impact that some special people have had in my life (you know who you are), and just by watching you and being around you, I feel energized. Your spirit of encouragement is contagious. I can't be down in your presence because you are such a light -- your glow rubs off on everyone you touch. You're so different than others. If it's raining, you say "Isn't this weather fantastic? The rain is so refreshing and clean!" If you're not feeling well, and I mention quickly say, "I'll be fine tomorrow!" If you're going through a say, "God will make this work for my good!" You are such a cheerful bundle of joy. You always see the glass full and overflowing. And my life is overflowing.....just because you are in my life!

If you're reading this and are thinking, "She's sure not talking about me!" If you tend to be cranky or grumpy and live on the dark side most of the time, I encourage you to invite the LIGHT into your life. Then let that LIGHT radiate from you. You'll be singing "This little light of mine, I'm gonna' let it shine"! And, then, because of your bright light, we'll be singing "You're my sunshine on a cloudy and rainy day!"

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