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Monday, June 2, 2014

It's a Matter of Perspective

It's raining cats and dogs in Tulsa today! Really? Cats and dogs? Well, it really is raining in Tulsa! I say "Hip Hip Hooray -- our lawns need it!" But the people having their custom homes built in my neighborhood, aren't pleased at all! Rain is keeping progress from happening on their home's completion. It's a matter of perspective.
This little baby sees the world upside down! But it's not upside down -- it's a matter of perspective.

Some see the glass half full, while others see it half empty. Two people can look at the same thing or hear the same thing and each processes it differently. Perspective depends on the person -- their age -- their experiences -- their beliefs -- their upbringing -- and where they are in life, right now! Perspective is so important that it becomes FACT in their life -- whether or not it is fact. That’s why it’s so important to try to keep a balanced and optimistic perspective -- to make sure we’re not so tunnel visioned that we miss the forest for the trees. That we’re teachable enough to stop and consider that our perspective may need to be adjusted. To consider that our perspective may be negatively influenced by the wrong people or by our emotions (which are not always reliable) or by our circumstances, etc. It's, typically, quite difficult to get someone to change their perspective. Their perspective is their reality!

We raised our children on, not only the principles in God's Word, but also,on Zig Ziglar's (our dear friend of our family) "Born to Win" book and principles. In fact, at just a young age, Staci would correct anyone who said, "That scared me to death!" Staci would retort -- "Scared you to life!" And as much as we'd like to see others view life from our perspective -- the only one I can really change is ME! When we change the way WE look at things, the things WE look at change. So, let's change our perspective on those "stumbling blocks" that we are encountering -- and make them the "stepping stones" for the great things God has in store for us. Let's quit looking at the world upside down, and start looking at the world rightside UP! When we start looking UP -- seeing the sunshine behind the clouds -- seeing the glass half full -- our PERSPECTIVE -- will become our reality!

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