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Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Happy Birthday to Me -- the Train Wreck Baby

I was a "train wreck baby". At least, that's what my Mama called me. She and my Dad were DONE with having any more babies. My older sister was 12, the other two were 18 & 20. But when my Mama was in the train wreck, her "birthing department" kicked into gear again. It's different, today, as many women wait until their 40s to give birth, but my Mom wasn't at all thrilled. She told me she cried for days at the news. As it turned out, I became her "gift from heaven", as in so many unexpected surprises in our lives -- that turn out to be the greatest blessings. I was her caregiver and always her "baby girl". Later she cried tears of thanksgiving.

I celebrate my sweet Mom and Dad on this, my "birth" day. Their precious love brought me into the world and I am forever grateful for that train wreck!

It's awkward to wish yourself a happy birthday, but I sincerely do. I've now celebrated 66 birthdays. Why are folks so ashamed of their age? I thank God everyday for yet another day, and today, for yet another birthday! 66 years on this earth -- perfectly planned to be here for this day and time to fulfill my assignment by my Creator, Master Designer and Planner.

All you youngsters out there who view 66 as old.....I was you. I remember when my aunt turned 50 and thought how old she was. I know that age is just a number and I will cherish every year that God gives me on this side of heaven -- and best of all, each year gets me one year closer to going home.

To all my family and friends.....thank you for humoring me, tolerating me at times, but most of all....for loving me. I know I'm not an isolated incident. I am an on-purpose, perfectly planned piece of artwork that God made with the best of intentions. I am HERE for a reason, and I WILL leave an imprint.....just mark my words!

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