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Friday, August 22, 2014

Turn Your Mess to a Message

Isn't it amazing that our greatest heartaches and most aggressive challenges, are used by God to bring us the most massive blessings -- ones we could never have imagined? I know it's true because I am proof of that out of my own personal experiences.

How many times have you heard someone say that losing their job was the best thing that ever happened to them; that being broke financially, turned them into a millionaire; that the end of a relationship made way for a new and better one; that being spiritually desperate led someone to God and His perfect plan for their life? Sometimes God allows those things to be "ATTENTION GETTERS"! Sometimes He allows us to experience "stuff" so He can get our attention so He can get us on track in his divine plan for our lives.

So, the next time a major crisis happens in your life, before you say, “God why did this happen to me?” – just stop and think that God just might be trying to get your attention to call on Him -- after all, that crisis is no surprise to Him -- and, as the Master Planner -- He knows that the "stuff" will turn out for your good!

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