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Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Are You Watching Me?

"Nana" My 7-year old grandson hollers my name "Come, watch me catch a fish!"
"Nana!" My 10-year old grandson calls out to me "Watch me sing with my new karaoke machine."
"Nana!" My 12-year old granddaughter yells to me "Watch me ride my skateboard!"
"Nana!" My 14-year old grandson calls out to me -- "Watch me play my new piano"

"Are you watching me?" With delight and joy in my heart, I watch each one. And the reality is, I'm not just watching -- I'm taking a photo or video of them. I see them. I see it all. I see their successes and I see them when they fall and make mistakes, large or small. It doesn't matter. I am seeing them.

And, isn't this what we want of God? For Him to see us. For Him to watch us -- to notice us. We want Him to get out His camera and take photos of us because He is so proud of us. And, what we forget is our Creator is already out there watching us. And whether we succeed or fail – He’s enjoying US the whole time. In fact, if He had a Facebook account, he'd be posting our pictures all over the place.

He is saying, “Get up, sweet child. You can do this!”
He is saying, “I’m watching you.”
He’s saying, “I’m so proud of you.”
And He’s saying, “I see you.”
And here's the truth -- the Gospel Truth -- He sees our successes and failures {all of it} – and He still loves us so much. So, go ahead, show off for Him -- He's watching and applauding us and constantly cheering us on!

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