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Thursday, October 9, 2014

A Little Band of Women -- Ordinary to Extraordinary

Happy One Year Anniversary "No Limits Life Group"!

Who would have thought that when I felt God's nudge a year ago to start a Life Group in my home that I would have met some of the most remarkable women that sincerely realize, like Queen Esther, they are HERE on this earth, at this time, "for such a time as this". These are ordinary women who have experienced some of the most difficult tests, trials, disppointments, losses, and painful circumstances..... but with the help of our EXTRAORDINARY GOD, today, they are feisty, undaunted women on purpose and on assignment and they are using their past experiences as testimonies of God's amazing grace. Tonight, I loved hearing one say to another one "I use you as an example when I talk about perseverance. I say, 'If she can make it so can you.'" These women's families and friends have been positively impacted by their remarkable lives of faith-in-action. I, too, have seen them step up in boldness and courage when it comes to facing life head-on -- relentless in their attitude to never give up.

These women are just what THE DOCTOR ordered for me: they push me to study more, pray more, be accountable more, give more, receive more, celebrate more and live out my faith more -- so much so that week after week, seeing God's grace in action and seeing how He answers our prayers -- just almost knocks my socks off with awe and wonder of it all!

Indeed, there is NO LIMITS to what God can do with a little band of women who are completely surrendered to His will and ways.. Oh, there is telling....the Samaritan woman at the well who ran to town to tell about Christ, and Mary Magdalene -- running to tell about the resurrection of the Lord -- both of them women with "pasts", but running into an extraordinary God says.... we're in pretty good company.

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