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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Embrace the Place

I was going to be driving to Texas by 6 am. But last night I thought I should check the air in my tires. When I did, I saw a big nail in the last one. Now, I'll be going to the tire store at 8 am (when it opens) to have them change the tire for me.

Yesterday, I heard Christine Caine say: "Embrace the place" where you are today. God knows where we're at and He has a plan for us to fulfill IN THAT PLACE. When I saw that nail, at first I thought "That's going to delay me several hours from getting to Texas, but then I thought about the "Embrace the place" message, and realized God knew about the nail. He prompted me to check my tires. He is protecting me from having to deal with a flat." He knows best, so I "embrace this place".

Remember the little shepherd boy, David....who eventually became King David? Jesse brought all his sons to parade in front of Samuel because he thought one of them would be chosen the next king, except for his son, David. After all he was JUST a shepherd boy taking care of sheep. But God knew where David was -- and he was the ONE being prepared to lead God's people.

Could it be that you're ready to take a job outside the home instead of having to balance all the mommy duties, but where you're at right now is part of God's plan for you in this season? Embrace the place. Could it be you're so ready to be in a higher profile position at your church, but you're hid as you teach in Kids' Church? Embrace the place -- God knows where you are. Could it be that the promotion at work you didn't get is part of God's plan today? Embrace the place. Could it be that you've been overlooked, like David, for a speaking engagement or a leadership position, but it's part of God's plan? Embrace the place. Could it be that the loan that fell through on your dreamhouse was a part of God's plan? Embrace the place.

Yes, God has a great future for us. But part of the preparation is being faithful in this place He's designed for today. When we realize that God knows where we're at, and at the RIGHT time and RIGHT place, He will reposition us. In the meantime, we TRUST HIM -- we're in let's embrace THIS place!

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