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Thursday, October 9, 2014

You Are His Treasured Possession

Helping my daughter and her family unpack into their new home in Texas, we were sorting through "stuff" to determine what to keep or put in an upcoming yard sale that their new neighborhood was getting ready to have. I came across a few things that I snagged that were "just my size" or I could use in my home -- things that were outdated, outwanted or outneeded to them.

I came across a little pink stuffed duck I had put on a “Welcome Alexia” wreath that I made when she was born to put on the door of her Mama's hospital room (which later transferred to Lexi's princess bedroom door at home). It had outlived its value to Alexia. It was frayed and worn, but I pulled it out and brought it home – it was a precious treasure to me because I could remember how special it was to get my first (and only) granddaughter. In fact I still have it tucked away. I think about my daughter’s baby bracelet that I still have, and the bracelet my husband (then, boy friend) gave me on my 13th birthday -- still....treasured possessions.

Having been in the estate sale business with my sister in law for many years, we know well the saying “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.” It’s all a matter of perspective.

But, today, I think about YOU and ME, and how incredibly we are loved by our Father God. We are of greater worth to the Father than the most stunning treasures imaginable. Yes, we are HIS precious treasures and He went to great lengths to ensure He will always possess us and call us His own. “The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the people on the face of the earth to be his people, His treasured possession.” Deuteronomy 7:6

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