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Friday, November 7, 2014

Alexia's Rite of Passage

So, I'm wrapping up our trip to Mexico by sharing about our last day that included completing what we started on the first day of Alexia's Rite of Passage. Now it was our turn to give her our gifts of love and best wishes, as well as show her videos sent to her by friends and family. In the Jewish tradition, when a young girl has her Bat Mitzvah -- Rite of Passage -- it's a time of celebration.

My first gift to her was a Tree of Life Pendant necklace, symbolic of the Tree of Life she will be as she seeks God’s wisdom and as she lifts her branches to God in praise and worship, and as she gives protection and love and strength to those who need God’s touch through her.
And a “Tzedakah” Charity Box, the Hebrew word for the acts that we call “charity” – doing what is right! Charity is kindness performed out of the goodness of someone’s heart. It’s a heart that can’t help it – they just HAVE to give. The Charity Box tradition started in the First Temple in Jerusalem. It was placed near the entrance, so that contributions could be dropped in. The money was used to help the sick and the poor. Lexi's Tzedakah (Charity Box) represents her missions' heart that she will collect coins in to be sent to those in need. This was my letter of blessing to her.

My Precious Alexia,
This is a very important day – celebrating your Rite of Passage from a little girl to a mighty woman of God. You are still a “little girl” in the eyes of the beholders, but I already see you as a beautiful young woman who is starting her own life of faith and wisdom – finding out all the life treasures and experiences that God has designed JUST FOR YOU! Since you were a little baby, I’ve loved every minute of watching you grow in talent, beauty, and heart after God. And, I’ve loved your joy, sense of humor, silliness, and that fun-loving side of you, and I don’t want you to ever lose that. Those are God-given traits – a lot of folks would love to be a “free spirit” like you are. Competition and people’s approval haven’t been such a big deal to you. Even when you were “Punky Brewster” and wore quirky clothes – you were “your own girl”. Don’t EVER let that go. But, most of all, as you continue to grow and mature, being a God pleaser is what will bring out the best in your life. Before He formed you, He was already calling you a mighty WOMAN of God, because He doesn’t look at us the way we are today – He sees the way we will be. He has already put the seeds of greatness in you and He has such great victories to be won by you. Just like Hadassah….a little Jewish girl, God already called her Queen Esther, and He is already calling you Queen Alexia because He called you “for such a time as this”.

Alexia means: “Defender of the People”
Gabrielle means: “Devoted to God”
That sounds to me that God led your Mom and Dad to name you Alexia because they, and God, already knew you were a Queen in the making – caring for the people, like Queen Esther did – saving her people, and they dedicated you to God when you were just a baby so they knew you would be a fully devoted follower of Jesus.

Today, your Nana sees that too, and that’s why I wanted to give you some very special things that exemplify your heart for God and His people. I loved going to two Jewish synagogues to find just the appropriate gifts for my girl for her Bat Mitzvah – her Rite of Passage. As soon as I saw these things – I knew I wanted them for you because each one has special meaning for Queen Alexia and what her royal reign will prove to be.

Your gifts were purchased from Temple Israel and B’nai Emunah Synagogue in Tulsa in honor of your Rite of Passage.

With all my love, Nana

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