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Saturday, November 8, 2014

I LOVE Chocolate!

I have a confession to make. I LOVE chocolate so much so, that I should be a member of Chocoholics Anonymous (if there is such a group)!

One of my earliest kid memories was my Mom's chocolate gravy, and after Sunday night church, my Dad taking me to the little store next door for a Chocolate Soldier drink, And, how well I remember the ice cream trucks coming through the neighborhood and getting my chocolate fudgesicle. So I blame this addiction on my parents. LOL! That was just the beginning. From there, it was chocolate cake, chocolate candy, chocolate pie, chocolate brownies, chocolate malts can see how someone could become a connoisseur of chocolate, and I am.

Say "chocolate" and my eyes still light up--for you see, I've never outgrown the delight of indulging in creamy, dark or light, crunchy or nutty chocolate! My mouth is watering even as I type this post. Okay, I know you're saying "I know somewhere in here Donna has a devotional for us!" And I do!!

The Psalmist David wrote in Psalm 119:103 "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" And in Psalm 34:8 he wrote, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." And in Psalm
37:4 He says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He shall give you desires of your heart."

So I ask myself, and I ask you, "Do our eyes light up in delight when we hear God's Words, like they light up when we hear "chocolate" or another favorite food or treat? Do we savor God's Word, when we share that morsel of delight with someone else? Or has our "sweet tooth" for God's Word and His love for us become a hum-drum routine love affair--the chocolate's melted, the wonder's gone, de-light has gone out?"

Oh, that we would fall in love anew today with God and His Word -- delight in His presence and rejoice in His love. Let's delight in God and His Word so much that we light up someone's world today, as we share a smile, a hug, a prayer, a gift, a word of encouragement --and yes, some CHOCOLATE too!

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