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Friday, November 7, 2014

We Can Be A Miracle As The Hands of Christ Extended

On the night of our 3rd day of our missions trip, Staci Wallace was the keynote speaker for a beautiful church congregation. She spoke about the power and ability that we all have with Jesus living big in us.
"We can 'Be a Miracle' -- as the hands of Christ extended -- to the world around us. She encouraged them with their ability to make a difference in the lives of the people in their communities. She sang about the power of His name.

At the conclusion of the service, Staci called Dr. Terry L. Mize up to join her and she asked him to pray for her and impart to her the heart and passion for Mexico that he has had since he was just 18 years old. Indeed, as he prayed, each and every one of our team, accepted and prayed that prayer for ourselves, individually, and those prayers were answered because we all have those precious volunteers, leaders, the children and families of Mexico on our minds.
In fact, we're already planning to go back in April, and we're raising $12,000 to help them get additional electricity into the School of Champions.

The last photo that is here represents one of the sweetest moments. Each of the volunteers blessed us so much with their giving hearts and a special grace of patience with us Americans. One of the volunteers was 18-year old Alexia Jacohinde who melted our hearts with her love of her people in Mexico. She has a job that provides income for her, but her greatest love is for the children and people. In fact, she said, "If I had to make a choice between my job and volunteering for the School of Champions and the children, I would always choose working with the children and people." We saw her as a Queen Esther who was "called for such a time as this". We prayed God's anointing on her life as she continues to serve Him. More than other reasons, maybe it was for this reason that God called us to Mexico -- to pray for Alexia. Without a doubt, we know that God is going to use her heart and passion for her people, in a way that ours never could.

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