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Monday, December 1, 2014

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I love Christmas -- always have, always will -- and the celebrations start the day AFTER Thanksgiving.  It takes every ounce of willpower I have not to listen to Christmas music until AFTER Thanksgiving -- but the day AFTER -- let the "O Holy Night" and "Mary Did You Know?" and "Here Comes Santa Claus" music BEGIN!  Honestly, it’s been my favorite time of the year for as long as I can remember.

I’ve known great joy at Christmas. My daughter was born in December "several" years ago.    But, as just a teenager, I knew heartache at Christmas -- my Dad passed away just eight days before Christmas.  I remember watching my precious mother, through tears, opening up the Christmas presents she had wrapped for him.

But the most precious times have been realized in this season: decorating the house with "memories" -- my "Christmas Church Collection"
and my Kitchen Christmas Tree,
my Mom's ceramic reindeer
and her ceramic lighted tree,
decorating the house with the photos of my two children when they were little to visit Santa,
Papa reading the Christmas Story to the grandkids
(and now displaying photos of those precious times in my Christmas decor').
And, oh, the sweet memories of the children's Christmas programs, taking the children and grandchildren to see Santa, the Talent Shows the kids and grandkids would provide for us each Christmas Eve, the "Happy Birthday Jesus" cake.

But my most favorite part of the #1 REASON FOR THE SEASON -- just thinking about our Lord coming to this earth as a little baby -- to be one of us -- to know He knows EXACTLY how it feels to hurt, to feel pain, to feel rejection, to feel the joys. He was ALL MAN.  He is ALL GOD and HE SINCERELY GETS US!    I am overwhelmed with emotion for Who He is, what He's done for us, and why He did it.

I share some of my favorite and sweet Christmas treasures with you in these photos. And  I urge you to get caught up in this beautiful time of the year -- with thanksgiving for the MASTER MINDED, GRAND and PERFECT scheme of it all.  As I type this post. I know the PERFECT PLAN became reality.  It isn't a fairy tale story.  It is a REAL FACT!  How do I know?  I sense His presence with me right here, right now!  Indeed He is Emmanuel -- God With Us!

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