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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Some Birds Are Just Off Their Rockers

Day 97 of Photo Inspirations -- Some Birds Are Just Off Their Rockers
"You cannot prevent the birds from flying over your head, but you can prevent them from building nests in your hair." – Chinese Proverb.  In my case, you can prevent them from building a nest on a front porch window ledge.

Another sign of Spring -- birds are flitting around -- trying to build a nest on my front porch and pecking at my mother-in-law's bathroom window.

I walked out on my front porch, and there were bird droppings all over it.  I looked up at the little window ledge and saw a bird hanging out.  Uh oh!  I knew it -- she was building a nest.  While I love seeing and hearing birds, I don't want them taking over my space -- especially when they have no manners about where they "do their business"!

Mom had a bird issue, too!  Sitting with her, my sister-in-law and little great niece on Mom's back porch, enjoying watching little Anna's antics.  Anna's antics got surpassed when her Gamma jumped up and started running and hollering around the backyard with a broom chasing a bird that had become a nuisance as it continued to peck at Mom's bathroom window. If anyone else had seen her, I'm sure they thought this was a looney bin!

Mom and I took matters into our own hands.  My creative idea was to take a box and put screws coming through the bottom.  I placed the box with the screws up on the ledge, and the bird couldn't find a place to build her nest.  In Mom's case, Karen bought some reflective tape and put it all over the window, and the bird has now disappeared. Drastic measures for drastic situations.  We felt like conquerors over those little birds.  And thank goodness, God cares enough for the birds that they've probably already found a new place to live and peck.  Birds don't worry, and God beautifully provides for them.

Birds figure it out.  We figure it out when we're kicked out of our nests or we continue to just peck away at something that seems to be taking us nowhere.  Both of those birds had to start over again on their quests.  And, so do we.  But, no problem.  We are only failures when we stop trying.  We'll find a new nest; we'll go after a new adventure....and this time we just might be exactly at the spot that God intended us to be at all along anyway.  But we would have never arrived here, were it not for the lessons we learned from those "tries" and "endeavours"!

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