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Friday, May 15, 2015

God's Creation is Even More Spectacular in Holland

Day 117 of Photo Inspirations -- God's Creation is even more spectacular in Holland!
It was another glorious day as we made our way to the largest port in the world, Rotterdam, Netherlands -- the gateway to Amsterdam, Holland.  We travelled leisurely down the canal, passing by the secret annex of Anne Frank who wrote her famous diary during the holocaust.  I loved hearing Michael Buble' singing as we slowly passed by the contemporary architecture of the bridges and buildings -- certainly not the Holland we imagined.
And, what fun it was to dance with one of the ship's cooks on the upper deck as we made our way to docking.

But, being the adventureous "Fearless 4" that we are -- we decided to once again, set out on our own for a great day of exploration and adventure.  The ship's excursion packages are pricier and safer since if you're not back to the ship in time for it to leave port, they'd wait for you, but in our case -- we're up for the thrill of the hunt and excitement of living on the edge!  We took the shuttle to city center, then we got on a train to Liedem, Holland, then took a taxi ride through what we remembered about Holland -- the quaint homes, green pastures, bicycles ridden by young and old alike, the cable cars, etc., but we were in for the greatest thrill when, since it's the Tulip Festival Season, we went to Keukenhof, Holland.
Keukenhof is the most beautiful spring garden in the world with more than 7 million tulips, daffodils and hyacinths that fill over 77 acres with color, beauty and fragrance.

You'll see what I describe in the photos attached -- my, oh, my -- our Creator continues to inspire and amaze us with his creative genius.  I know I am so blessed to be able to "stop and smell the....tulips" -- and I'm thanking God everyday for His greatness.
I continue to be amazed as I sing "Oh Lord my God, when I in awesome wonder -- consider all the worlds thy hands have made.  I see the stars.  I hear the rolling thunder.  Thy power throughout -- the universe displayed.  Then sings my soul, my Savior God to Thee -- How Great Thou Art!  How Great Thou Art!

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