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Friday, May 15, 2015

How Does Our Garden Grow? Healthy or Poisonous?

Day 115 of Photo Inspirations -- How Does Our Garden Grow -- Healthy or Poisonous?
As I look out the window in our dining room this morning, I see land on the port side.  It's the southern tip of England -- we're traveling through the Isles of Scilly and "Land's End", the Cornish Peninsula of Great Britain.  Soon we'll be entering the English Channel that separates southern England from Northern France.  Tomorrow morning, we'll be docking at Le Havre, France.

But, I'm still remembering the wonders of yesterday in Ireland.  What a thrill it was!

During our tour of the Blarney Castle in Ireland, we saw the area outside the castle called the Poison Garden.  (Photos attached are of the garden and though some are beautiful, the plants are potentially poisonous).   It was created to educate visitors about poisonous plants found in the wild and in our own gardens -- aimed to show positive and negative uses of plants -- medically and traditionally -- historically and in modern times. Not many people die from poisonous plants, but they do when they're not used in their natural state.  Once they start making products from the plants -- thousands of people die from overdoses, like in heroine.  And 5 million people die annually from smoking related diseases.  The plants aren't bad, but we make them harmful in how we use them.

So how do our gardens grow?  My analogy today is about the gardens we grow.  The decisions we make with our words and actions and the care of our bodies are either healthy and nutritious or they are poisonous.

I have a Certified Nutritionist who helps me stay healthy.  She ensures I am putting into my body pure, natural herbs and plants via supplements.  And, if there's a little something that seems to be missing in my healthy lifestyle (a little physical issue I experience), she'll provide the correction via another natural supplement.

Isn't that God's intended purpose for what He created?  He wants us healthy and He gave us what we need -- in His Word.  Everything we need is there -- to keep us strong mentally, physically and spiritually.  But when we go off course in our thoughts and actions, as well as in what we take into our bodies -- we'll be like those who alter plants, making them harmful to our health.

I live and learn more everyday about what God intended in the Garden of Eden. Adam and Eve had everything they needed there to ensure an abundant, blessed life, but they lost that when they took the "poison" -- the forbidden fruit.  He ensures a Garden of Eden for us, but we must stay away from those things that keep us outside of His intended purposes for the best for our lives.  There is so much He has afforded us when we are drawn to the beauty of everything else He's provided us. That is when we really do realize that He came to give us life....and life more abundantly. And what a sweet and full blessed life it is!

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