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Friday, May 15, 2015

What I'm Learning From My Garden

Day 130 of Photo Inspirations -- What I'm Learning From My Garden
Yesterday, right at dawn, I already had my day planned for planting the begonias and caladiums I bought the day before -- my annual early May ritual.  With my yard tools, wheelbarrow, planting soil, plant food, flowers and mulch, I began my handiwork. How beautiful it is, even with the hard work (my hand is bandaged from the blister I gave myself from digging the holes with my shovel), to see my finished product (and notice in the photo -- the little rabbit that was admiring my work)!  LOL!

I have two inside plants:  one (a Peace Lily) which I received for my husband's funeral 4-1/2 years ago, and the other plant was a gift I received for speaking at a Christmas event (Ivy with
Red Poinsettias -- they're still alive -- see photo).  Those plants are the only living/breathing things that represent responsibility to me.  When I was away for 3 weeks,  I took them over to a neighbor to baby-sit them for me.

Then there's my yellow and peach rose bushes that require consistent "dead-heading" (pinching off the already "spent" flowers) -- so that they'll continue to reproduce more flowers.

Planting New Flowers -- represent new birth -- new life -- and watching it grow.  Isn't that what we do when we plant into people's lives the Good News of God's love for them?   Often it's continuous "hard work", but when they "get it" and receive that new life, we get to be a part of nurturing them and watching them grow and flourish.

Responsibility -- as long as we are still here on this side of heaven, we have the responsibility of living a life of example.  St. Francis said, "Preach the Gospel at all times.....and sometimes use words."  Yes, our lives, like these flowers, are on display, and the fragrance we exude speaks volumes of WHO we are and WHOSE we are.  If that fragrance is will draw others to WHOSE we are.

Dead-Heading or Pruning -- that doesn't sound inviting, does it?   Yet the more God tweaks us, prunes us or "dead-heads" us (removes those things that could stunt  our growth) -- though painful or uncomfortable, the more we'll be beautiful flowers in His garden. Our Master Gardener know just what's best for us and what causes us to fulfill His perfect plan in our lives. does YOUR garden grow?

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