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Saturday, May 30, 2015

What is YOUR Fragrance?

Day 148 of Photo Inspirations -- "What is YOUR Fragrance?"
I know this may be TMI (too much information), but here goes anyway! My sweetheart ALWAYS smelled so good. He was on .purpose with that. Throughout the day, he would put on yet another splash of cologne. I loved that about him so much. And I loved the Fierce cologne by Abercrombie on him. We first encountered that amazing aroma on our oldest grandson and after that, we were hooked. It became our fragrance of choice. In fact, I still carry a little bottle in my car's glove compartment and often as I rummage through it, I'll see that bottle and take a whiff of that sweet smelling cologne that still reminds me of him. Oh, and by the way, his favorite cologne on me was Nicole Miller.

Okay, I'm smiling because I'm quite sure my readers could care less about our favorite fragrances and you're wondering "where in the world is Donna going with this story?" We hear and talk a lot about being the "light of the world", but shouldn't we also be the "fragrance of the world"? Carrying the fragrance of God wherever we go certainly makes sense.

The Bible tells us this story: "Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume." John 12:3. Can't you just imagine the aroma that consumed the house and all those who were in the house? (I've been to Mexican Food Restaurants -- and I carried the Mexican Food scent on me for hours afterwards.) What about those who had been in Jesus' presence that day? Not only did they carry the scent of the perfume, but they carried the scent of Jesus' presence on them, too. They were better for it. They wanted to BE BETTER because of it.

What if our lives were a fragrance that attracted people to God? Our fragrance will either attract others to Him or repel them. The sweet scent of the likeness of Christ can be an irresistible pull toward the Savior. When we walk with God, we leave behind a sweet fragrance that can inspire others to follow. So many need to experience that fragrance.....and they will, as we continue to "splash on" His fragrance throughout our days. So....what fragrance are YOU wearing today?

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