Day 166 of Photo Inspirations -- Be the Change!
I had just said to Denise, “I’m wondering what my photo inspiration will be for today,” when this lovely woman who had just judged a Speech round here at Nationals in MN, sat down with us at our table to complete her ballots. I noticed her name tag: Representative Cindy Pugh. She serves at the Minnesota House of Representatives. Of course, I had an “aha” moment. I asked what she thought about the speech presenters. She shook her head and said, “I’ve never done this (judge a Speech competition) before. I could not believe my ears. They were amazing. Of course, not a single one of them used a note. They were all passionate about their subject matter.” Once she completed her ballots, I asked if I could interview her for my daily FB post.
Donna: What is the biggest challenge you face as a legislator?
Rep. Pugh: The challenge I face as a conservative legislator, is pushing against the grain, pushing against the decay of our culture. It is so concerning. I daily put on my spiritual armor. It really is a spiritual battle with so many of the issues we face.
Donna: Why ARE you serving?
Rep. Pugh: It’s interesting. I never thought about serving or running for office before. In 2012 my phone started ringing off the hook. My husband and I were redistricted after the census, and there was a 22-year incumbent in my party that had completely lost his way. I was shocked at the number of people that wanted me to run. I said, “No” then the calls kept coming and it was a call to action for me. When I couldn't find someone to run, I said to my husband ‘Honey, I think I need to step up.’ I’m so glad that I did. I know now, that looking back on all of my life’s experiences, that I have been prepared "For Such a Time as This." I was someone who never thought of myself as one who could speak out. I would think it in my mind, but never say it out loud. I didn’t really think I had anything of significance to say. I would take copious notes and not share my thoughts. Now I feel compelled to speak on behalf of those who have not found their voice.
Donna: So, I think you’re saying to these young people, who are speaking and debating, that they are being prepared like you were -- and if God revealed your platform, He will reveal theirs.
Rep. Pugh: The cumulative effect of the events in our life is building up the foundation. I am walking now with confidence. It is amazing. I am humbled to have been called.
Donna: What can we do to support and encourage those of you who are on the frontlines of the battlefield?
Rep. Pugh: I tell my friends, my family, my constituents – the best thing they can do for me is to pray. That is the very best we can ask for – to pray for wisdom and discernment that our call is crystal clear and that we act on it.
Donna: I noticed that there’s so much negativity, even from Christians, about the upcoming election on social media. Is it appropriate for Christians to lash out in opposition to those we don't agree with?
Rep. Pugh: I was raised, and I have lived my life, to the best of my human ability, that if I didn’t have something nice to say, I was to say nothing at all. It catches me off guard if someone has a really sharp tongue to say something ugly to me or about me. It just takes my breath away. I’ve come close to speaking out, and was actually prepared, if a barb came across to me that I was going to say that I was raised that if I didn’t have something nice to say I would say nothing at all and I’ll just have to leave it at that. I've never needed to say it. About FB or Social Media -- attacks, ugly and mean remarks are counterproductive. What we should be doing right now is doing our best to expose the truth. And truth is being revealed and exposing itself day by day. For example, I don't understand how anyone could justify any position other than pro-life from conception to natural death. Now, truth has been revealed with technological advances that have made it so clear that this is a human being from early on. Our eyes can see it now. How can anyone argue against it? Truth continues to be revealed.
Yes, I was inspired by this beautiful woman who has taken the baton to run her spiritual and poltical race with diligence. She is "Being the Change" we are all wanting to see. And isn't that who we should be, too? Be the Change!
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