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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

How's Your Heart Dressed?

Day 152 of Photo Inspirations -- How's Your Heart Dressed?
#TBT -- I love Throwback Thursdays because it gives me incentives to remember so many experiences and precious times from the past. This first photo is my Mom and her best friends, my mother and father-in-law in their Sunday best. Take a look at those hats and gloves. That was the style and expectation for church apparel 50 years ago.

And this next photo was 25 years ago -- taken in our backyard in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada. We were all dressed up for church -- yes, that's what we did "back in the day" -- we were on purpose to dress our best. I learned that as a little girl. Back in the "Jackie Kennedy" era, we wore the pill box hats, gloves and frills.

I remember my Mom saying that we dress up for church because we're going to be in the presence of our King and we want to give Him our best. I still carry that mindset even today -- I'm a product of my upbringing. But, along the way I've come to understand that it's not such a big deal anymore. When I go to church today, I see people in all styles of clothing -- from athletic wear, jeans, shorts, and dressy dress. I even saw a guy wearing his PJ's at church. What's the big deal? The BIG DEAL is they are in church. And, that part about going to church to be in His presence, and needing to dress a certain way? Our KING lives IN us. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit -- and what is inside us -- our heart that serves and follows Him -- is what matters.

Where I'm going with this post is far more important and is of far more value and worth than our outward appearance. I like to think that we've become much more in tune with God's greatest expectations of us. He isn't looking for the perfect attire or the latest fashion statement or the just right combination of colors -- shoes and purse matching or even hairstyle or make-up (or not). What God is looking for is a heart that desires to be His fully devoted follower. The question is "How much time do we spend working on the part that matters most to God: our heart?" God doesn’t determine how He feels about us because of the way we look.

I Samuel 17:31- " looks on the outward appearance, but God looks on the heart."

This scripture was God’s explanation to the prophet Samuel of how God could pick a little kid (David) over impressive looking warriors. In this case, God had chosen a young man who didn’t look like he measured up or was even qualified for the job. In David's case, and in our case, God is looking for those who trust Him with their whole hearts and who live with the desire to keep their hearts pure and pliable. So, today, let's not worry about the way we look -- let's consider "dressing up" our hearts -- after all, the KING is right here....right NOW!

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