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Monday, August 10, 2015

Branded With Divine Ownership

Day 218 of Photo Inspirations -- Branded with Divine Ownership
Witnessing water baptisms is one of my favorite "life" experiences, so of course, this would be my photo inspiration for today.  There is nothing more inspiring and beautiful than witnessing people being baptized in water and openly declaring their total trust and reliance on the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as a commitment to live obediently to Him. We are baptized because our Lord commanded it and because we obey Him. "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19).  Once we've made the decision to follow Christ, baptism is one of the most meaningful "next steps" we can take.  It's a public celebration of our decision to follow Christ.

I love how, at, there is celebration each time someone is baptized.  Not only does the congregation applaud and cheer, but the ushers and greeters stand in two lines (like a football team running onto a football field through the lines of cheerleaders and fans) iwelcoming and giving high-5s to those who have just been baptized.  It's such a beautiful time of celebrating their new lives.  Over 1700 people were baptized this weekend at LifeChurches (100 at the Jenks campus).   Now that's something to celebrate!

I remember my sweet husband's teaching on baptism.  He compared it to a  calf or other animals being branded.  That branding proved ownership of lost or stolen animals.  Being baptized declares that we have been purchased with a great price (Christ's death, burial and resurrection), and we are no longer our own.  We are branded as His.  What a great reminder of His love for us and being His.

My baptism changed my life forever, and it wasn't just a one-time action.  I recall my baptism on a daily basis to remind me that the "old" Donna died and my guilt, shame and mistakes were buried with Christ and I arose to a fresh new life in Him.  NOTHING can ever take that away from me -- and I'm branded for LIFE here and up THERE!  I am His and He is mine.

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