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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Happy Left Handers Day

Day 222 of MORE Photo Inspirations -- Happy Left Handers Day!
I didn't realize today was "Left Handers Day" until after I posted my inspiration for today. I saw this cute photo and I had to share it in honor of my sweetheart who was a "leftie".  That's him in the photo hold his hammer.

Here's what I found about lefties.  About 10% of the world’s population is believed to be left-handed. In a Harvard Medical School research, it was found that attorneys and architects were the most left handed.  Also studies show that there are more left-handed people working as artists and musicians, and lefties are more mentally resilient because of all the tribulations they have to endure in a right-handed world.  Lefties have the reputed ability to process language on both sides of their brains.  Research also indicates that left-handers may suffer from increased rates of high blood pressure and maybe even premature death.

I found all those findings quite interesting and very in sync with who my Honey was.  He was an architect in the greatest sense of the word -- not professionally, but he drew all the plans for any homes we built for ourselves and others.  His right-brain abilities, added to his left handed abilities, were easily seen in the intricacy of the way he did things.  His artistic and intellectual mind could spot a wall or a cabinet or a door that was crooked the moment he walked into a room.  And, as for the notation that many are musicians.  That is also true of him.  His musical abilities (played the trumpet, piano and sang like a virtuoso) were incredible.

And lastly, he did, according to this world's standards, die a premature death.  Mentally resilient are left handers and so was he.  He could encounter a challenge and/or situation and the wisdom that came from him caused many turnarounds to those situations.  Of all the left-handed characteristics, the one I'm smiling the most about, was the one that says "Lefties have the reputed ability to process language on both sides of their brains."  In fact, he could speak several languages:  Spanish, Chinese, Philipino, German and French......well, no, he couldn't actually speak and interpret those languages....but we still laugh about him because we heard him speak louder and with the accents of those who did speak those languages.

I guess I posted this Left Handers Day post because I realized once again how masterfully God created us with such detail and such brilliance,  I'm especially grateful for the beautiful creation of my "left handed" guy.  His left hand and my right hand were a PERFECT match!

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