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Friday, August 28, 2015

I Gave Up Too Soon!

Day 236 of Photo Inspirations -- I Gave Up Too Soon!
Ever try to solve a Rubik's Cube?  I'll admit it.  I did.....and I gave up. It just seemed way too complex for me.  I'd get one side all in order, but the other three sides were all mixed up.  I'd finally get two sides complete, but bottomed out on the other two sides.

I was amazed to see this teenager solve it in 5.25 seconds.  He broke the world record. See link below!  This kid was probably relentless in his pursuit and when he solved it....then it was about doing it better and faster than the last time.   He didn't give up until he knew all the algorithms in solving it.  (Algorithm -- a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations.)

The question is "How relentless are we?"   How willing are we to continue seeking God for the answers to our most complex problems?  How often do we throw in the towel and abort our dreams because we didn't find or follow the "algorithms" and gave up too soon?  Persistence in anything we're endeavoring to do or accomplish is key -- even if it's simply not quitting until our house is squeaky clean, or we've finished that remodeling project that we started or gave up on believing for a loved one's turn-around.

Bottom line -- we should never give up on our dreams or our projects or our tasks or our prayers -- no matter the situation, no matter the number of times we fail or "pause".  Our ability to get up and dust ourself off, then move on, is what determines if we are a success or a failure. Giving up should never be an option for us.

I love this Kevin Durant quote:  “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard”.   Many people are talented and they have no problem solving a Rubik's cube or any other goal they have.  But, often there are those of us who feel that we weren't given that inate ability (or talent) to get 'er done.  But, instead of quitting, we put the pedal to the metal with diligence and a lot of hard work and, remarkably, we unlock the potential inside of us to accomplish whatever we set our hearts, hands and mind to.  That's when we'll succeed.  We determined that GIVING UP is NOT an option.

I'm thinking I need to go out a buy a Rubik's cube....and prove I can solve it. After all, it can't be much of a step for a stepper!  And, I'm a high steppin' stepper!  After all, "I can do ALL things through Christ Who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13.

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