Day 228 Photo Inspirations -- Keep Your Eyes Wide Open!!
#TBT -- These photos of my grandson, Brennan, were taken at a Harley Davidson dealership 8 years ago. The snakes (eew) were there in honor of Harley's snakeskin leather show. It was a day out for Papa and Brennan. Obviously our little guy had NO FEAR!!
A couple of days ago, I posted about a snake that was in our neighborhood which inspired me to talk about how easily we can be taken off course by the lies and deceptions of the enemy. I loved the comments that my walking buddies added to that post:
Nancy: Keeping our eyes wide open! And on the baby snake, we were just talking last night on our walk with the dogs - it could have come in with a load of rocks being brought into the build sites. We never know where or why sometimes -- just gotta keep our eyes open.
Sharon: Satan is a deceiver and it's our responsibility to keep our eyes "wide open", dress ourselves in "the Full Armor of God", and HE is our rear Guard. Stepping on that snake's head is an earthly representation of what's being done in the spirit on the morning prayer walks. Go Girls!
I love that. It reminds me when I was a young girl and going to the outhouse at my big sis' house in West Virginia. Across the path was a long snake that I stepped over. I didn't see it, but my big Sis did. Her eyes were WIDE OPEN! Then there's the time when a snake was all coiled up in our kitchen at Lake Keystone. My husband took a baseball bat to it (my hero -- I'll spare you the details of how that turned out, but my husband won!) My neighbor, lacking the right words to console me, asked "Do you suppose it had a mate?" -- which meant we scoured every inch of the house before we could sleep that night. Our eyes were WIDE OPEN!
The point of my post today is "Keep our eyes wide open!" 1 Peter 5:8 says "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion (and for this post -- snake), walks (slithers) about, seeking whom he may devour". It's just who our enemy is -- he wants to slither into our lives and create fear, confusion in our minds, chaos in our family, deception in relationships, and it's up to us to be "on guard, vigilant, and aware of him sneeking into our lives." EYES WIDE OPEN to the enemy's tactics and EYES WIDE OPEN to God's love, protection, tender mercies, and promises. Yes, my eyes are wide open. How about yours?
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