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Monday, August 17, 2015

School Days Again

     Day 225 of Photo Inspirations -- School Days Again!
It's that time of year when kids are getting back to school or going to school for the first time. This photo inspiration from 40 years ago was my two kids' first day of school -- Staci's first year and Ryan's 3rd. Sweet memories, and, oh my, how time did fly!!

I've been seeing lots of mamas on Facebook who are either stoked that school is back in session or they're all emotional because their "babies" are headed to school for the first time. There are the Mamas who have a Senior in high school and they're teary-eyed because it's their last year. And there are the ones whose "baby" is headed to college. I love seeing how these mamas' friends are either comforting them and assuring them they'll get through all the emotions.....or the friends who believe "misery loves company" and they're crying right along with them. No question, it's a process of coming to grips with the cycle of life.

No matter what year or what grade they're in, these kids are embarking on a new stage in their lives. So many trails to blaze, so many new frontiers to discover and so many defining moments await them. In the meantime, my heart goes out to each of you young parents -- it's part of the process of giving our babies the freedom to grow up, to be strong and independent. Their trajectory is preset by God -- they are on course for so many great things and great days ahead. Taking one day at a time and one year at time.....makes the process easier. I pray comfort and God's peace to you all -- whatever stage of life YOU are in, and THEY are in. God's Master Plan is at work in you and your family.....and with His arms around you and'll see the joys, fun and the incredibly brilliant times of seeing your little darlings do so well on science and art projects, field trips, tests, homework and learning so many wonderful things. There are so many victories that await you and them. Your greatest assets are continuing to become more valuable each and every day.

Oh, how we thank God for the gift of children. I pray, Almighty God, that you watch over them as they start to school or go back to school this year. I pray You keep them safe. May these precious children realize You are right there with them in the classroom and on the playground. May they soak up good knowledge and may they be fully equipped to dismiss any negative or messages they may hear or see. Help them treat others with kindness and respect, and may their hearts be guarded with the armor of Your Word. I ask that You give them joy and peace as they put their trust in you. I pray that they "increase in wisdom and stature and favor with God and man" -- just like Jesus did. And I pray a special blessing over the teachers and school workers as they help impact all of these kids. And, dear God, please give all these precious Moms and Dad the fortitude and the strength to place their babies into your hands -- with full confidence that you are taking them to their destiny and purpose. Amen.

Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight."

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