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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Are We Listening WELL to God?

Photo 242 of Photo Inspirations -- Are We Listening WELL to God?
Emmett from the Lego Movie  said, "I think I got it, but just in case, tell me the whole thing again.  I wasn't listening."

During her talk at the Sisters Event, Amy Groeschel said, “Have you ever read a text message and realized that it was sent four hours ago, and by then it was too late to respond?  God is sending us messages all the time, but we’re not listening well.  We’re distracted or preoccupied or just maybe, we don’t even want to listen.  You know how our children have selective hearing?  You can call them and call them, and they don’t respond, but if you say “Ice Cream”, they’ll come running.  Just like kids, we, too, have selective hearing.  We listen to what we love.  God is communicating with us all the time.  He wants us, like we want our kids, to LISTEN WELL!”

Ever been texting, and someone was trying to talk to you at the same time?  We say, "I'm listening....go ahead!"  But in reality, we're not listening WELL.

So how do we listen well?  We listen well by guarding our hearts.  It's so easy to be sidetracked from the things that matter most, especially when we're so busy.  We're running here and there, taking care of business and trying to figure out how to do this or that.  When, all the while, God is speaking to us, but our hearts are being controlled by stress and anxiety. We must guard our hearts so that when He speaks....we're tuned into His frequency and can hear Him loud and clear.

He also wants us to guard our minds.  Amy said, "Our kids know all the words to every Taylor Swift song, but do they know God's Word?"  The enemy wants to deceive us and the best way to know his lies are to know and be grounded in God's Word. It's like learning a foreign language.  We must immerse ourselves in it in order to learn it.  The same is true for knowing God's Word -- every key to victory and success is found there.  Why wouldn't we immerse ourselves in the Word?  When we do, we'll be listening WELL.

Isn't it time we pay attention to His nudges, His promptings and His voice?  He holds the answers to everything we need to live a victorious life, so why would we allow anything to come between our ears AND His voice?  Isn't it time for us to start LISTENING WELL?

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