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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Celebrating 3 Years of Making a Difference

Day 263 of Photo Inspirations -- Celebrating 3 Years of Making a Difference
#TBT What a joy it is to be back in beautiful Bellevue, WA.  When my plane landed, Ryan called to let me know he had "a car" picking me up and wanted to know what door I'd be coming out of baggage claim.  I told him, got my bags and headed out, and there was Ryan standing there to pick me up.  He said he couldn't wait to see his Mama!  I love it when Shawntel and my boys pick me up, but those were sweet words to this Mama today and what a sweet surprise for my boy to take time out of his busy day to come.

It's a big deal to be here in September as it's Solavei's 3rd year launch anniversary and now it's in a beautiful new headquarters building (the 3 of us in this photo there). We're still here going and growing strong.  What a thrill it is to still be seeing my sweetheart's dreams and prayers coming true -- "oh, that our family be closely knit together in all areas of life".   Ryan continues as CEO & Founder and, as of this month, Staci is Senior Vice President of Solavei.  What a blessing it is for this Mama to see her kids impacting and making such a huge difference in so many people's lives.

As I look back on this time 3 years ago, I saw years and years of prayers answered in such an amazing way.  Solavei, the first ever Social Commerce Network, was launched.  Staci, Larry and children had moved to Washington to help get the company off the ground.  

And these cousins got to bond like never before, and here they are this week having cousins' fun time again. Staci typically works from her home in Frisco, TX -- but travels back and forth to Bellevue.   Alexia's birthday present from her Mom and Dad was to go to WA with her Mom for the week -- that meant fun cousins time.   Of course, that makes for Nana's joy and bliss to see such love between them all.

Before Staci and Alexia left for the airport last night to head back to Texas, the 3 kids had a "Kumbaya Ceremony" (that's what they named it) -- to say 'goodbye' and make a pact of love with little plastic animals -- LOL!    That little ceremony might seem like child-play today, but, like my two kids having "pretend church and pretend meetings" way back when they were these cousins' ages, today, before my eyes, I'm seeing what a little seed can produce in "due season".

One of the scriptures read at my Sweetheart's funeral was John 12:24 “Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds."  I'm quite sure that my Sweetheart was that grain of wheat -- the single seed, but when he died, it (he) produced many seeds.  Our kids are those seeds, our grandkids are those seeds,, our friends and extended family are those seeds, and YOU are thoses seeds, too!  We REAP what we SOW!  Thanks be to God for Harvest Time!

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