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Saturday, September 19, 2015

Transformed From the Inside Out

Day 258 of Photo Inspirations -- Transformed From the Inside Out
My grandsons were big fans of the Transformers -- the toys that could be converted from a robot to a car and vice versa.  They collected just about all of them.  I sure wasn't as proficient at transforming them as they were.  I just couldn't get all the parts tucked in well enough to transform it into a car. But they sure could.

Honestly, God surprises and amuses me daily with the photo inspirations that I get each day. Those toys are literally transformed from the inside out.  And isn't that what God desires to do in us?  He wants us to be transformed from the inside out.  God works with us to work in us so that what is in us.....comes through us to help transform others.  Not only can we be changed, but we can be the catalyst for change in others.

A friend of mine called me a couple of days ago, after previous calls that she had made to me to help her pray for a family member that really needed a life transformation.  They had some particular "issues" that needed to be corrected. We prayed.  But on this day, when she called, she said, "Today, I'm asking God to change me!"  I loved it.  It reminded me of hearing the TV Teacher, Joyce Meyer,  tell about how she kept asking God to change Dave (her husband).  Then, one day, like my friend, she started praying "God, change me!"  And when she did that, she started recognizing those areas that needed to be changed from the inside out in her -- her complaining, criticizing, selfishness, bitterness, and envy soon transformed into praising, encouraging, selflessness, and gratitude.  We know that the transformation Joyce experienced was the change catalyst -- the "transformer" in so many people's lives today.

Stephen Covey said,  "I am personally convinced that one person can be a change catalyst, a 'transformer' in any situation, any organization. Such an individual is yeast that can leaven an entire loaf. It requires vision, initiative, patience, respect, persistence, courage, and faith to be a transforming leader."

Isn't today a good day to say, "God CHANGE me.....transform me from the inside out.  Work in me so that what is in me....comes through me to help transform others.  Help me to be the catalyst for change in someone today!"

St. Paul: “I know that I am not yet what God wants me to be. I haven’t reached that goal, but I keep moving toward it to make it mine because Christ made me and saved me for this. I know that I haven’t yet reached my goal, but there’s one thing I always do. Forgetting the past and straining toward what is ahead."  Philippians 3:12-15

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